FIRST: Yes, I know about CONCATENATE and CONTINUEIF, but I might not be smart enough to understand the documentation. I don't "get" how they solve my problem. Thank you...
I am in the position of having to create a file for importing into an Oracle DB by way of sqlldr.
The columns are required to be delimited by "~" (Don't ask.) In creating the file file, I have a few concerns about the way sqlldr behaves in respect to Quotes and Newlines.
If a simple row is to contain the column values:
One, Hello~World I "Like" you, and Three
How should I output this to the file? My first guess is
One~"Hello~World I "Like" you"~Three
I imagine it would be easy to import with FIELDS TERMINATED BY "~" OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' specified in the CTL file. What I don't know how to handle are the quotes around the Like when I create the file. Should those be additionally escaped? How?
Additional Bonus Question: The fields may contain line-brakes. If written out "raw" it would turn into
Is there an option in the CTL file that I can use to "stitch" these back together? The break may occur in different columns and there may be more than one break per record, or column.
Thanks in advance!