
User Interface for creating Oracle SQL Loader control file

Is there a good user interface for authoring Oracle SQL Loader control files? PL/SQL Developer includes a "Text Importer" feature (that reminds one of the Excel import wizard) to import text files into tables, but uses a proprietary format instead of the SQL Loader format. Something like this for the SQL Loader format would be quite help...

Bad characters and sql*loader

how to find out mal characters(unsupported eg. Ω ) when inserting using sqlloader? or list the mal characters to avoid junk data? ...

Error "stopped because I can't continue" in SQLLoader - DIRECT mode

When trying to load a large text file into the oracle db using SQLLoader, we get the following errors: SQL*Loader-926: OCI-Error; uldlfca:OCIDirPathColArrayLoadStream for table <myTabele> SQL*Loader-2026: the load was aborted because SQL Loader cannot continue. SQL*Loader-925: Error in uldlgs: OCIStmtExecute (ptc_hp) This only happens...

Oracle SQL*Loader getting CDATA values...

Anybody knows how to do this? I know there's a better way of loading XML data to Oracle without using SQL*Loader, but I'm just curious on how this is done using it. I have already a code that can load XML data to the DB, however, it wont run if the XML file has values that contain a CDATA... Below is the control file code which works ...

Oracle External Tables: Advanced Flat File Layout

I wish to create an external table in an Oracle database, retrieving its data from a flat file on the server. The format of this file is non-trivial. Each line in this file can be one of several different layouts, depending on the line's prefix (the prefix itself is always a fixed length). For example, a line beginning with 'TYPE1' would...

[SQL*Loader] How to really skip the processing of a column?

In order to load data (from a CSV file) into an Oracle database, I use SQL*Loader. In the table that receives these data, there is a varchar2(500) column, called COMMENTS. For some reasons, I want to ignore this information from the CSV file. Thus, I wrote this control file: Options (BindSize=10000000,Readsize=10000000,Rows=5000,Errors...

How should I escaping quotes and line breaks for Oracle SQLLoader (sqlldr) importing?

Hello. FIRST: Yes, I know about CONCATENATE and CONTINUEIF, but I might not be smart enough to understand the documentation. I don't "get" how they solve my problem. Thank you... I am in the position of having to create a file for importing into an Oracle DB by way of sqlldr. The columns are required to be delimited by "~" (Don't ask....

How to handle line breaks in data for importing with SQL Loader

Hello, I am a front-end developer writing a C# application to export data from an oracle stored procedure into a text file for later importing into a different oracle database. The data will be loaded with SQL Loader (sqlldr) and I am trying to understand that tool's abilities so that I can output the file in a format that will be easy ...

Problem with Oracle Sql Loader control file

I'm trying to load some data using sql loader. Here is the top of my control/data file: LOAD DATA INFILE * APPEND INTO TABLE economic_indicators FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' (ASOF_DATE DATE 'DD-MON-YY', VALUE FLOAT EXTERNAL, STATE, SERIES_ID INTEGER EXTERNAL, CREATE_DATE DATE 'DD-MON-YYYY') BEGINDATA 01-Jan-79,AL,67.39940538,1,23-Jun-2009 ...

How to populate a timestamp field with current timestamp using Oracle Sql Loader

I'm reading a pipe delimited file with SQL Loader and want to populate a LAST_UPDATED field in the table I am populating. My Control File looks like this: LOAD DATA INFILE SampleFile.dat REPLACE INTO TABLE contact FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' ( ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, DEPARTMENT_ID, LAST_UPDATED SYSTIM...

Why would I use SQL*Loader conventional load paths?

My understanding of SQL*Loader's conventional path is that it simply generates INSERT statements and sends them to the database. Are there any performance benefits to using this rather than just generating the SQL statements programmatically and executing them against the database? ...

What do I need to know about using non-portable datatypes on SQL*Loader?

I read the section in the SQL*Loader reference manual and it's a bit over my head. Our clients are all running x86, so I'm assuming we won't have to worry about byte ordering. However, we do have some customers running on 32-bit and others running on 64-bit OSes. What exactly do I need to do to make sure I don't run into any problems ...

How do I track down what's re-enabling triggers during my SQL*Loader load?

I seem to be seeing a lot of messages like this in my log: Trigger DEV."MBR_TRG" was disabled before the load. Trigger DEV."MBR_TRG" was re-enabled by another process. SQL*Loader-951: Error calling once/load initialization ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified Thi...

How do I escape an enclosure character in a SQL Loader data file?

I have a SQL*Loader control file that has a line something like this: FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '#' Normally, I'd use a quotation mark, but that seems to destroy emacs's python syntax highlighting if used inside a multi-line string. The problem is that we are loading an ADDRESS_LINE_2 column where only 7,000 out...


I execute the command and get following message at console: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SQLLDR APPS@VIS/APPS CONTROL= SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Tue Sep 2 10:49:27 2003 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Commit point reached - logical recor...

Problem importing LOB into Oracle using SQL Loader

I'm trying to export from SQL Server to Oracle a table that consists of an ID and a really long XML string stored as nvarchar(max). SQL Table -- CREATE TABLE MyStuff (MyID int, MyText nvarchar(max)) Oracle Table -- CREATE TABLE MyStuffImported (MyID int, MyText NCLOB) I'm using the SQL Server bcp utility to export to a text file (MyStu...

SQL*Loader problem

I am getting an error SQL*Loader-606, which means: The synonym specified in the INTO TABLE clause in the SQL*Loader control file specifies a remote object via a database link. Only a synonym for an existing local table can be specified in the INTO TABLE clause. Is there any way we can insert into remote table using SQL*Lo...

Is there any way to use a strftime-like function for dates before 1900 in Python?

I didn't realize this, but apparently Python's strftime function doesn't support dates before 1900: >>> from datetime import datetime >>> d = datetime(1899, 1, 1) >>> d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ValueError: year=1899 is before 1900; the datetime strftime() methods requi...

Accessing data filename from within SQL*Loader control file

How do I access the input data file name from within SQL*Loader control file so that I can insert it into the table along with data from the input file? Let's say for example I have the following control file: LOAD DATA APPEND INTO TABLE STG_AM02_BA_RAW WHEN (1:2) = 'DT' ( SUBSCRIBER_NO POSITION(11:18)CHAR, ...

External Tables vs SQLLoader

So, I often have to load data into holding tables to run some data validation checks and then return the results. Normally, I create the holding table, then a sqlldr control file and load the data into the table, then I run my queries. Is there any reason I should be using external tables for thing instead? In what way will they make my ...