Hi all. I'm making a AWT GUI for a simulation game. I have only been working with java for 2 years, and so have limited experience with building more complex GUIs. I have done a few simple ones, hard coded, and tried jigloo in eclipse. I am thinking of using MIG Layout, although some say I should really try and use jigloo more, or another GUI builder. I have designed the main game aspects, with a bar at the bottom. Right now it just has a few buttons which I've been using to test elements of the game. Obviously I need to now create a better interface for the user. Buttons that open panels with tabbed panels. Menus and such.
I am using swing for both the game and the controls
Any advice on how I should go about this? NetBeans is not very nice. I'm using eclipse as my IDE, so need a plugin for eclipse.
Thanks in advance!