During development testing of my app I'm running into a strange issue where new builds (Build 2.0) of the exact same code base suddenly default permissions (carrier internet, gps) to be Prompt rather than Allow on install.
Details -- Same code base
So there exists two builds, both with the same code base. Build 1.0 was made/signed last week. Build 2.0 was made/signed yesterday. If I install Build 1.0, no issues with initial permissions (all Allow). But on install of Build 2.0 the same permissions (carrier internet, gps) are set to Prompt.
The app does make gps & data requests and I do understand that some phone configurations require permissions to be set, but why would a build that previously didn't need permissions (Build 1.0) all of a sudden require them (Build 2.0)?
I assume it might have to do with my project/build settings but I'm not sure what. Any suggestions?