


my $changelog = "/etc/webmin/Pserver_Panel/changelog.cgi";
my $Milestone;
open (PREFS, $changelog);
 while (<PREFS>)
  if ($_ =~ m/^<h1>(.*)[ ]Milestone.*$/g) {

Here is an example of the data its extracting from:

<h1>1.77 Milestone</h1>
    <h3> 6/26/2009  </h3><ul style="margin-top:0px">
     <li type=circle> Standard code house cleaning and added better compatbility for apache conversion.
    <h3> 6/21/2009  </h3><ul style="margin-top:0px">
     <li type=square> Fixed Autofix so that it extracts to the right directory.
    <h3> 6/11/2009  </h3><ul style="margin-top:0px">
     <li type=circle> Updated FTP link on index page to go to net2ftp, an online ftp file manager.
<h1>1.76 Milestone</h1>
    <h3> 4/14/2009  </h3><ul style="margin-top:0px">
     <li type=square> Corrected a broken hyperlink to regular expressions in "View Chat Log"
     <li type=circle> Changed the default number of lines back from 25 to 10 on both Chat and Pserver Logs.
     <li type=circle> Noted in "View Pserver Log" search is case-sensitive and regular expression supported.
    <h3> 4/13/2009  </h3><ul style="margin-top:0px">
     <li type=disc>  Added AutoFix to the panel which will automatically fix prop errors.
     <li type=circle> Updated error display to allow more detailed errors.
    <h3> 4/12/2009  </h3><ul style="margin-top:0px">
     <li type=circle> Fixed start/stop/restart to be more reliable.

I you want a one-liner, how about this one?

perl -nle 'if (/^<h1>(.*)[ ]Milestone.*$/g){ print $1; last }' /etc/webmin/Pserver_Panel/changelog.cgi
The 'g' modifier is useless in this case, as is the trailing '.*$' part of the regex.
+3  A: 

Next, you are going to have to parse the items between milestones. Do yourself a favor, stop worrying about lines of code and use an HTML Parser, such as HTML::TokeParser:


use strict;
use warnings;

use HTML::TokeParser;

my $parser = HTML::TokeParser->new( \*DATA );

while ( my $token = $parser->get_token ) {
    if ( $token->[0] eq 'S' ) {
        if ( $token->[1] eq 'h1') {
            my ($milestone) = split ' ', $parser->get_text('/h1');
            print "Milestone is '$milestone'\n";

<h1>1.77 Milestone</h1>

C:\Temp> vbn
Milestone is '1.77'
Milestone is '1.76'
Sinan Ünür
Note that this will continue to work if the lines are merged, or split up among multiple lines.
Brad Gilbert

Another one-liner to grab it from the command line:

perl -ne'print $1 and exit if /<h1>(.*?)\s+Milestone/' /etc/webmin/Pserver_Panel/changelog.cgi