I am collecting the values for a specific column from a named_scope as follows:
a = survey_job.survey_responses.collect(&:base_pay)
This gives me a numeric array for example (1,2,3,4,5). I can then pass this array into various functions I have created to retrieve the mean, median, standard deviation of the number set. This all works fine however I now need to start combining multiple columns of data to carry out the same types of calculation.
I need to collect the details of perhaps three fields as follows:
This will give me 3 arrays. I then need to combine these into a single array by adding each of the matching values together - i.e. add the first result from each array, the second result from each array and so on so I have an array of the totals.
How do I create a method which will collect all of this data together and how do I call it from the view template?
Really appreciate any help on this one...