What I'm looking for is a RegEx to mix the character case of a given string for use in functional testing.
Example Input:
The Quick Brown fox jumps over the Lazy Dog.
Sample Expected Output:
tHe QUiCk BrOwn FoX jUMPs OvER tHe lAzY dOg.
It would be nice if the output was different every time the RegEx were applied. For example, given the above input, another time the RegEx were applied, the output could be:
THe qUIcK bROwN fOX JuMpS oVeR THe lAzy DoG.
I know that it would be easy to simply set up a substitution table (e.g., 'x' => 'X', 'B' => 'b'), but that is not what I'm looking for.
I did a Google search for this and came up with nothing, although I know it has been done. I had code (now lost) that did this.