For a very long time, when I have an error handler I make it report what Project, Module, and Procedure the error was thrown in. I have always accomplished this by simply storing their name via constants. I know that in a Class you get the name programmatically with TypeName(Me), but obviously that only gets me one out of three pieces of information and only when I'm not in a "Standard" module.
I don't have a really huge problem with using constants, it's just that people don't always keep them up to date, or worse they copy and paste and then you have the wrong name being reported, etc. So what I would like to do is figure out a way to get rid of the Constants shown in the example, without losing the information.
Option Compare Binary
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Option Private Module
Private Const m_strModuleName_c As String = "MyModule"
Private Sub Example()
Const strProcedureName_c As String = "Example"
On Error GoTo Err_Hnd
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
ErrorHandler.FormattedErrorMessage strProcedureName_c, m_strModuleName_c, _
Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.Number, Erl
Resume Exit_Proc
End Sub
Does anyone know ways to for the code to tell where it is? If you can conclusively show it can't be done, that's an answer too:)
I am also aware that the project name is in Err.Source. I was hoping to be able to get it without an exception for other purposes. If you know great, if not we can define that as outside the scope of the question.
I am also aware of how to get the error line, but that information is of course only somewhat helpful without knowing Module.Procedure.