




How can I show common GUI elements such as :

  • Textbox
  • Button
  • Radios/Dropdowns
  • Labels

etc in a java applet which would be run from a web browser?

+2  A: 

This applet tutorial starts from the beginning, and covers GUI components.

There are plenty of other applet tutorials around of course, almost all of which will cover GUI work.

Jon Skeet
thank you :). How long do you think it'll take to get 100k rep?
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take you i mean, not me :p
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I'm hoping to reach 100K before the DevDay.
Jon Skeet
What's the dev day and when is it?
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The London Stack Overflow DevDay, October 28th. http://stackoverflow.carsonified.com/
Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

Do you really need it to be an applet? Laying out a nice GUI with a java applet and swing is a pain, and javascript has advanced dramatically in speed and compatibility since the early years. There are very few reasons an actual java applet is needed anymore.

Brian Ramsay
Yep it needs to be an applet for other reasons
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+1  A: 

JApplet and JFrame both extend Container, so you just set the layout and add the components like you would in any other Swing GUI.

Michael Myers