Hi, I was wondering - is it possible to change files that are stored on some sort of webhosting service via PHP? I mean I have a URL say: "plist.atwebpages.com/action.php" will it possible for this method to write a file onto the ftp server on the web hosting service? e.g. http://www.batcave.net
But is it possible to implement this on a webhosting service? could you please elaborate, as I am not really familiar with PHP and such.Thank you.
2009-06-27 18:03:02
By using an FTP client library, your PHP code can access any FTP server in the just the same way that you can access it yourself using your FTP client.
2009-06-27 18:07:42
If you can't set up a cron task to do the FTP, use a web page script which is called externally every once in a while...
2009-06-27 18:17:32
That is, of course, given the fact that you have the username/password for that server on which the file resides on.
2009-06-28 02:32:41
Could you refer me somewhere, as from what I understand so far it is possible even on a webhosting service if it has FTP server, all I need is the PHP code that can manipulate files according to received data. Am I correct?Please give me a few links or write here.Thanks.
2009-06-28 18:56:15
Download the FTP client library I pointed you to. In there is sample PHP code (upload.php / upload.html) showing how to use that library to write a file to a remote FTP server.
2009-06-28 19:34:53
Thank you very much, I will look into it as soon as I can!
2009-07-15 19:48:54