I am inserting data into a table and sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_DONE. But sometimes there is no new data in the table! Even if I do the check immediately after the data was added.
Here is my code:
sqlite3_stmt *addTranslationStmt2 = NULL;
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2( database , "INSERT INTO translations(lang1_wordid, lang2_wordid) VALUES(?, ?)" , -1, & addTranslationStmt2, NULL) != SQLITE_OK)
NSLog(@"statement prepare error");
addTranslationStmt2 = NULL;
return -1;
sqlite3_bind_int(addTranslationStmt2, 1, word_id);
sqlite3_bind_int(addTranslationStmt2, 2, translation_id);
if(sqlite3_step(addTranslationStmt2) != SQLITE_DONE)
NSLog(@"addTranslationStmt2 error: '%s'", sqlite3_errmsg(database));
return -1;
if (![self wordHasTranslation: word_id translation_id: translation_id])
NSLog(@"And after all translation was not added even though sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_DONE!");
So I am wondering why does the last mentioned log function is being called. This means that after adding data there is no data in table. Sometimes it adds and sometimes doesn't.
Where may the problem be? Thank you in advance.
UPDATE: I found out that this happens only when a new database is created. After an application is restarted it works in a right way. But if a new database is created, the strange behavior comes back.