I figured out how to create a static method that is available everywhere, for example:
public final class UtilLib
public static function getTimeStamp():uint
var now:Date = new Date();
return now.getTime();
I can access this everywhere by doing UtilLib.getTimeStamp() - Now, I want to create a new staic method called log(msg:String). This should log a message to a multi-line inputfield.
The problem however is that this inputfield must be created somewhere and must be accessible and visible all the time, and I don't want to pass it through the function parameters all the time as this would cause a lot of trouble (I'd have to pass it through objects aswell..).
So, how do I make a "public textfield" so my static log method can write to it?
UPDATE: I now tried the following class, with a static constructor (I think). However, the textfield object is not showing. When I do an addChild(debugField) after creating it, it gives me error 1180.
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
public class Logger extends Sprite
public static var debugField:TextField;
/* static block */
trace("Logger initializing.");
debugField = new TextField();
debugField.width = 500;
debugField.height = 100;
debugField.x = 100;
debugField.y = 400;
debugField.background = true;
debugField.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
debugField.defaultTextFormat = new CustomTextFormat();
debugField.mouseWheelEnabled = true;
debugField.multiline = true;
debugField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
public static function log(msg:String):void
if (debugField) debugField.appendText(msg);
I initialize it like this:
var test:Logger = new Logger();
And I log a new message like this:
Unfortunately, the textField is not showing.