




Are direct access and constant function which high-speed?( or less memory , cpu)

print FOO;
print constant(FOO);

Could you give me a sample cord and the reason , so I am happy.

edit: I'm sorry Misunderstood it very much

print FOO or print constant(FOO)

Which is high-speed?

+2  A: 


I'm not sure where you got your 2 arguments constant() construct, but the constant() function is a getter that only takes one argument: the constant name you want to retrieve.

define(), on the other hand, defines the value of a constant (setter). Comparing performance of those two functions doesn't make much sense as they accomplish completely different tasks.

Wadih M.

When you question speed of such simple operations, it's best to just do some quick&dirty benchmarking and compare the results.

define("FOO", "VAL");
$iterations = 10000;
$start_1 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
    print FOO;
$end_1 = microtime(true);
$time_1 = $end_1 - $start_1;

$start_2 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
    print constant('FOO');
$end_2 = microtime(true);
$time_2 = $end_2 - $start_2;

printf('"print VAL;" %d iterations: %.5F s', $iterations, $time_1);
print PHP_EOL;
printf('"print constant(\'FOO\');" %d iterations: %.5F s', $iterations, $time_2);

But I doubt that you'll see any significant difference between the two.

Stefan Gehrig

I think you misunderstand what constant() is being used for. If you only need to access a constant, do it directly: print FOO;

If you don't know what constant you want to access, you need constant(). I.e. you can do "variable variables" like this:

$name = 'var1';
$var1 = 'value something or other';
print $$name; // prints the value of $var1: 'value something or other' because:

${$name} -> ${"var1"} -> $var1 -> 'value something or other'

I.e. you are substituting the name of the variable through a variable.

You can't do this with constants:

$name = 'CONST1';
define('CONST1', 'value something or other');
print $name; // prints the value of $name: 'CONST1'

You'll need to use constant():

print constant($name); // prints 'value something or other'