



Can anyone tell how to use amcharts to display the details of a particular column in a pie/donut chart.I know that it uses an XML but what I have is a CSV file and I have to group them based on a particular column status whose value can be one of the four namely "open" "Close" "In Progress" "Dropped".The CSV looks like this

12345,Harish,Chennai,India,Open,bla,blabla,blalala 12356,Siva,Delhi,India,Closed,bla,blalala,asfsdxb 12367,Raj,Jersey,USA,In Progress,bf,sdfsd,dfsdfsd 12378,Shan,London,UK,Open,fdsdfs,sdgfs,sdfgsfg

If I have to display this in a pie chart we have 50% "open" 25% as "Closed" and 25% as "In Progress".I need to display the chart in a webpage so preferably jsp/html would do.