



I need some step by step tutorials/documents on developing Java web applications using Eclipse/apache.

appreciate directions/help.

+1  A: 

When you first start Eclipse there is a screen with tutorials right in the program. They are also accessible from the Help menu

Mark Renouf
+3  A: 
+1 really like that books...great for beginners
+2  A: 

There are some video tutorials available at

The first tutorial begins with the absolute basics of setting up a workspace and getting started. It also shows the Welcome screen available under the help menu which has links to an overview, samples, and tutorials


DZone REFCARZ might be helpful, there's one for eclipse: Getting Started with Eclipse

Nizar Grira

Reminds me of that old joke:

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.

Sounds like you have several things that you don't know: Eclipse, Tomcat, Java EE development, maybe JSPs, JSTL, WAR files, the list goes on.

My advice would be to strip things down to the bare bones and decompose the problem a bit.

Start by doing a simple servlet/JSP app talking to a database, without using Eclipse. See if you can compile on the command line, create the WAR file, package it properly, and deploy it on Tomcat.

If you can manage that, then work Eclipse into the mix. Don't worry about running Tomcat inside Eclipse at first. You can go back and forth until the IDE is comfortable.

But you're asking a lot when you say you'd like step by step instructions. You're tackling a very big problem.

+2  A: 

As you've already installed Apache Tomcat. I assume you've not installed Java EE tools for Eclipse. If not, then First download Eclipse JEE tools from Help > Software Updates > Available Software > Java EE developer Tools.

First way : is using Tomcat plugin with eclipse,for that you've to check this tutorial

Second way: If the Tomcat Plugin is not working with you then other alternative as follow Click on Click Window in menu> Preferences then click Server pane. Open Runtime Requirement pane. Add path for the tomcat directory. Click Ok. You're done with the settings.

Now you can create new projects from File >New >Projects. And start building servlets/jsp projects. Try learning from good books like "Head first: Servlets & JSP".

Hope this helps.
