I have a website that uses JSP as its view technology (and Spring MVC underneath). Unfortunately, JSP is just a pain to use for anything that doesn't involve an HTTP session. I would like to be able to occasionally send my users some email, and I want to use something JSP-like to render the email's contents. Technologies I'm aware of include:
- JSP -- It can be forced to work for this sort of thing, I think. Very worst case, I could request the page from my own webserver and render that into an email (ugh!)
- Velocity -- I've heard good things about this one, and am leaning towards it.
- StringTemplate -- Looks okay, but I'm worried that no new releases have come out in a year.
Is there a preferred technology for templating in a Java system? Would folks generally recommend Velocity? Is there a good way to use JSP for more generic tasks?