



I would like to understand that what is Mesh Object and its conection with silverlight, i am bit aware that it has got some relation with Local storage and then sync with the server data.

But i would like to understand it fundamentally so if anyone can provide any link to the article for conceptual understanding or Step by step implementation of LiveMesh in Silverlight 3.0 application.

+1  A: 

Mesh is a syncronisation platform which can be used to sync contacts and files (both objects) across machines and a centralised cloud based desktop. When you make changes to one of these objects the changes are replicated to the other devices. You can use Silverlight 3 to create web apps that utilise Mesh, but you can also create then using .NET and the Mesh SDK.

You can download the SDK and code samples here.


After googling i also identified this link which i found very good...

Mesh-enabled Applications : Silverlight
