
A Good 3D mesh library

I'm looking for a good 3D Mesh library Should be able to read popular formats (OFF, OBJ...) Should support both half-edge structure and a triangle soup Should be tolerant to faults and illegal meshes. Basic geometric operations - intersections, normal calculation, etc' Most importantly - Should not be convoluted with endless template a...

A Read on Mesh Algorithm and Mesh Library

I am interested to read and understand the 2D mesh algorithms. A search on Google reveals a lot of papers and sources, however most are too academic and not much on beginner's side. So, would anyone here recommend any reading sources ( suitable for the beginners), or open source implementation that I can learn from the start? Thanks. ...

Algorithm for unique find edges from polygon mesh

I'm looking for a good algorithm that can give me the unique edges from a set of polygon data. In this case, the polygons are defined by two arrays. One array is the number of points per polygon, and the other array is a list of vertex indices. I have a version that is working, but performance gets slow when reaching over 500,000 polys....

Transform a Direct3D Mesh

I tried to write a TransformMesh function. The function accepts a Mesh object and a Matrix object. The idea is to transform the mesh using the matrix. To do this, I locked the vertex buffer, and called Vector3::TransformCoordinate on each vertex. It did not produce expected results. The resulting mesh was unrecognizable. What am I doing...

How to draw (semi-)logarithmic 3d plots? (Matlab)

I know semilogx and semilogy for 2D plots. There is any equivalent for SURF and MESH? ...

How to get a beautiful color scale on (semi-)logarithmic 3d plots on Matlab?

After having this question answered through a link to an external site, I realized that I solved a problem, just to get another one: On a logarithm scale the C=Z parameter of MESH and SURF functions don't work very well. All you get is a blue graph, without the usual color gradient, that you get by passing 3 parameters. How to revert th...

Constant horizontal band heights in a polygonal mesh undergoing vertical deformation (OpenGL ES 1.1)

When implementing texture mapping on a standard polygonal mesh using the usual algorithm, you can run into issues related to deformations along the y-axis in that the deformations follow along bands of constant height rows of quads instead of the vertices in this direction being able to stretch independently compared to that along the x-...

Loading a model into a half-edge data structure from a .PLY file

I am attempting to build a .PLY parser to load 3d models stored as .ply files into a half edge data structure mesh. Sorry for the huge question, I'm very verbose and I wanted to make sure I laid out all the details. Because of this, I'll restate my ultimate goals immediately, just so users can see can get an idea of what i want before ...

Geolocation based, wireless mesh routing alogorithm: useful?

I'm in a team and we are supposed to be setting up a 'geolocation based', ipv6, wifi mesh network to run on google android. The idea is to use the geolocation (latitude, longitude, altitude) of each node to generate the IPv6 address, then use that to choose the closest node as the preferred node for routing through. Some optimisation i...

Flash mesh tweening/animation

Is there a way to correctly tween/animate meshes in Flash authoring tool? Shape tweens don't recognise movement of specific vertices, don't preserve connections and generally mess things up. Shape hints are too few for any non-trivial mesh, and too much manual labor anyway. I am trying to accomplish smooth animation between two mesh sh...

Lightweight OBJ mesh file loader for C/C++?

I'm looking for a simple lightweight Wavefront OBJ mesh file reader for C or C++. (ie. given a mesh in OBJ format, read it in from a file, and make it accessible, preferably as a list of vertices and triangles.) Recommendations? It doesn't need to support material properties or any other fancy data that might be present - just the geom...

Triangular mesh topology

Hi, I've got a triangular mesh class which contains a list of nodes (2d in my case but that shouldn't matter) and a list of faces. Each face is a triangle and it only contains the indices into the node array. The mesh comes out of a Delaunay algorithm so it's very clean. For every node in the mesh I need to find which nodes are connect...

joining two 3D mesh objects

Hi All, Due to huge data amount, I want to form, separately, in two or more parts a 3D mesh object. And then, to be able to form the real 3D object, I shall join them in one part. Could you explain me by an example code how it can be done. Thanks in advance. Öner YILMAZ ...

How can I get google earth building mesh data?

Hi I'm making a an application and i would like to import the 3D buildings in google earth that you can find in Chi,NYC,SF, etc. Is there any way to do this? ...

Decomposing a 3d mesh into a 2d net

Suppose you have a 3 dimensional object, represented as a 3d mesh in some common file format. How would you devise an algorithm to decompose the mesh into one or more 2d 'nets' - that is, a 2-dimensional representation that can be cut out and folded to create the original 3d object. Amongst other things, the algorithm would need to acco...

DirectX 10 Mesh buffer not aligned problem? How to calculate wavefront obj index?

Hi all, I wrote a program to render a wavefront obj model in DirectX 10 I loaded the vertexes data as following desc D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC defaultLayout[] = { {"POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 0, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0}, {"NORMAL", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, D3D10_APPEND_ALIGNED...

Loading Mesh from X File with Direct X 9 in C++

Hi, I have been having problems on making a Load Mesh function in C++ for Direct X. I seem to get this error: "Unhandled exception at 0x00401e64 in _.exe: 0xC00000005: Access violation reading loaction 0x83e05597". I know it is crashing on this line: D3DXMATERIAL* tempMaterials = (D3DXMATERIAL*)bufMaterial->GetBufferPointer(); The ...

How can 2D text be reflected onto 3D mesh surface ?

Hi All, How can a 2D text be reflected onto 3D mesh surface in C# ? Thanks in advance. Cemo ...

What is LiveMesh Object and its connection with Silverlight 3.0

I would like to understand that what is Mesh Object and its conection with silverlight, i am bit aware that it has got some relation with Local storage and then sync with the server data. But i would like to understand it fundamentally so if anyone can provide any link to the article for conceptual understanding or Step by step implemen...

Can the new client networking stack in Silverlight 3 directly connect to Azure Storage or Mesh?

From Tim Heuer: In Silverlight 3 we’ve introduced the Client HTTP stack as an option as well. You must opt-in to use the client HTTP handling. This gives you the ability to go more than just GET/POST (i.e., more REST-ful verbs), using response status codes/headers, etc. You can opt-in to use the client HTTP stack on all requests, req...