
Android OpenGL .OBJ file loader

There seem to be quite a number of OBJ mesh file loaders out there that people have developed for use on the Android platform. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with these and can offer a recommendation on which one seems to work best for them. Here are my criteria: Lightweight (small file size), Optimized for speed, Easy to...

Common algorithm question

Hello! Suppose we have some mesh (see the illustrating picture from CorelDraw, which uses the same technique in "Mesh fill" instrument). Obviously this kind of mesh is represented by a set of points and lines between them are actually determined using that set of points (probably somehow interpolated). This instrument also has button...

help: how to smooth a mesh generated by Marching Cubes in real-time?‏

Hi, I'm now using the marching cubes algorithm for a project (real-time rendering of human teeth from CT images). Here is the rendering result: You can see that the mesh generated by MC is not so smooth. Are you guys aware of any real-time smoothing algorithm which can be applied ...

Displaying mesh using DirectX 9 - Mesh differences

This is my program to display a .x mesh. I am able to display the mesh tiger.x but not able to display ball.x. What is the difference between the two meshes? Is there something I should handle in the code? But I am able to view both the meshes using standard mesh viewers like the one which come with DirectX SDK. Thanks. ...

Adding 3D effects to a 2D object - DirectX

I wrote a simple program to load a directX .x mesh file. My loaded image is displayed like this. But the one which the MeshViewer shows is like this. What should be done to get the 3D look? Which call in the DirectX library should I make? ...

Algorithm to produce rounded edges and corners in a 3D mesh

Starting with a 3D mesh, how would you give a rounded appearance to the edges and corners between the polygons of that mesh? Without wishing to discourage other approaches, here's how I'm currently approaching the problem: Given the mesh for a regular polyhedron, I can give the mesh's edges a rounded appearance by scaling each polygo...

Can any .X (DirectX 3D object) be used as progressive mesh?

Hi, I'm learning about Direct3D's progressive mesh. I tried the SDK sample (ProgressiveMesh) and fiddle with the code to replace the default object with some other .X file. The application works sometimes with some .X files but not all, especially when the file size is big and it crashes. Can anyway tell me if any .X object can be use...

iPhone opengl mesh rendering in one corner of the screen?!?

Sorry about this long block of code, but I think it makes sense to include all of it. No matter what I play with, I cannot get my mesh to render fullscreen. The viewport is fullscreen, as is the GL view. Here's what happens: This is the code that runs in my drawing l...

Regular vs. Irregular Vertices in a Mesh

Hi everybody, Reading about Geometry Processing, I have realized that people in this area are very interested in regular vertices(degree=6) rather than irregular ones. Can anybody give me reasons why this is an important property? Suppose that we can have a mesh with all regular vertices (genus 1) but with a very poor geometry position...

ID3DXMesh::CloneMesh breaks blend weights?

When I clone an ID3DXMesh with blend weights the blend weights end up breaking (but not completely, mostly the arms and fingers are skewed in strange directions), my code is very simple: LPD3DXMESH pTempMesh; if( model /*model is a mesh with animations, bone hierarchy, etc)) { if ( FAILED ( model->CloneMesh( model->GetOptions(), pDe...

Reading VertexDuplicationIndices template from D3DX mesh .x file

I need to read the duplicates chunk from an .x file. .x file can be saved in text format, I wrote a tool that generates meshes and saves them in x files, I found that if I'm generating the x file with duplicates, and calculate the adjacency info, and passing it to the save function, it will save a chunk with the duplicates. pMesh->Gene...

How to generate half-edge structure representation for a polygonal mesh?

I would like to generate output to display the numeric data of the Half-Edge Structure that is based from an input of polygonal mesh data (in numeric data form). The concept to read the polygonal model basically is like this: For the INPUT, the file is in OFF format and include datas like (a) First part: the number of vertex, number o...

Resources on basics of 3D model rendering

Maybe I've missed something, but I couldn't find any questions about this already. If anyone knows of any then it would be great if you could post the links. I know there's loads of massive opensource engines out there already that it'd be really easy to use, it's not a problem of needing one, but I don't like not knowing how the things...

How To Extrude a Flat 2D Mesh, Giving it Depth

I have a set of co-planar, connected triangles, i.e., a 2D mesh. Now I need to extrude it out a few units in the z-axis. The mesh is defined by a set of vertices which the renderer makes sense of by matching up against an array of triangles. Example Mesh: Vertices: (0,0,0), (10,0,0), (10,10,0), (0,10,0) <-- (x,y,z) Triangles: (1, 2, 3)...

DTN in OpenEmbedded for BeagleBoard

Hi! I'm trying to build the DTN using OpenEmbedded. Unfortunately, DTN uses Tcl 8.3 or 8.4 and DB 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5, but bitbake is using Tcl 8.5 and DB 5.0. In the OpenEmbedded recipes directory, among other other files there exists: db/ db/ db/ db/ db/ db/db3-3...

directx 9 stop/play animated mesh c++

ok im not expecting to get answer fast. does directx 9 have function that will stop or pause animated mesh. i need an example how the function works or it is useless. thanks in advancee ...

Memory layout for mesh data in scientific computing

Hello, I am developing a Finite Element System. As usual, the simulation consists of set of mesh nodes, each with a set of properties (floating-points), like for example several material properties, coordinates or physical quantities that evolve within time. You can either employ two extreme approaches: Property-wise: Maintain a sing...