
How to display unicode text in OpenGL?

Is there a good way for displaying unicode text in opengl under Windows? For example, when you have to deal with different languages. The most common approach like #define FONTLISTRANGE 128 GLuint list; list = glGenLists(FONTLISTRANGE); wglUseFontBitmapsW(hDC, 0, FONTLISTRANGE, list); just won't do because you can't create enough list...

Enabling OpenGL in wxWidgets

I installed the wxWidgets source code, compiled it and am linking the libraries thus obtained with my application code. Now I need to use OpenGL in my wxWidgets application. How do I enable this? ...

Using GLUT with Visual C++ Express Edition

What are the basic steps to compile an OpenGL application using GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) under Visual C++ Express Edition? ...


I'm using FBOs in my OpenGL code and I'm seeing compilation errors on GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DUPLICATE_ATTACHMENT_EXT. What's the cause of this and how do I fix it? ...

Using OpenGL textures larger than window/display size

I'm having problems using textures that are larger than the OpenGL window or the display size as non-display render targets. What's the solution for this problem? ...

Using GLUT bitmap fonts

I'm writing a simple OpenGL application that uses GLUT. I don't want to roll my own font rendering code, instead I want to use the simple bitmap fonts that ship with GLUT. What are the steps to get them working? ...

Starting off with OpenGL under Cygwin

Is it possible to compile and run OpenGL programs from under Cygwin? If yes, how? ...

Accessing OpenGL state variables in Cg

I need to access the OpenGL state variables (such as the MVP matrices) in my Cg shader program. I'm passing these values to my Cg shader program manually using calls such as cgGLSetStateMatrixParameter() in my C/C++ code. Is there an easier way to do this? ...

Valid OpenGL context

I'm a newbie to OpenGL programming. How and at what stage is a valid OpenGL context created in my code? I'm getting errors on even simple OpenGL code. ...

GLUT pop-up menus

Is it easy to create GLUT pop-up menus for my OpenGL application? If yes, how? ...

Using the mouse scrollwheel in GLUT

I want to use the mouse scrollwheel in my OpenGL GLUT program to zoom in and out of a scene? How do I do that? ...

GLUT exit redefinition error

In my simple OpenGL program I get the following error about exit redefinition: 1>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\stdlib.h(406) : error C2381: 'exit' : redefinition; __declspec(noreturn) differs 1> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\platformsdk\include\gl\glut.h(146) : see declaration of 'exit' I...

Using OpenGL extensions On Windows

I want to use the functions exposed under the OpenGL extensions. I'm on Windows, how do I do this? ...

What are OpenGL extensions and what are the benefits/tradeoffs of using them?

In relation to this question on Using OpenGL extensions, what's the purpose of these extension functions (why would I want to use them), and are there any tradeoffs or gotchas associated with using them. ...

Using GLEW to use OpenGL extensions under Windows

I've been using OpenGL extensions on Windows the painful way. Is GLEW the easier way to go? How do I get started with it? ...

Suggested gaming platform to learn - Direct X (C++), Open GL or XNA

My nephew is an aspiring game developer. I have taught him a bit of C/C++, and suggested he learn that for a start. Once he has come to grips with that, which game/graphics API's do people suggest he learn? I would think DirectX would be current industry standard, but with more games looking to go X-platform then maybe Open-GL would be...

Is OpenGL dead?

I recently found out that OpenGL 3.0 was released a week ago. I glanced through the specification and read through some of the forum posts on the Khronos message board, and... I'm devastated. Not only did they not release the promised object model, but they deprecated most of the functionality that, IMHO, made OpenGL great, in favor of a...

How to enable multisampling for a wxWidgets OpenGL program?

Multisampling is a way of applying full screen anti-aliasing (FSAA) in 3D applications. I need to use multisampling in my OpenGL program, which is currently embedded in a wxWidgets GUI. Is there a way to do this? Please respond only if you know the detailed steps to achieve this. I'm aware of enabling multisampling using WGL (Win32 exte...

OpenGL Rotation

Hi, I'm trying to do a simple rotation in OpenGL but must be missing the point. I'm not looking for a specific fix so much as a quick explanation or link that explains OpenGL rotation more generally. At the moment I have code like this: glPushMatrix(); glRotatef(90.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex3f( ...

What could prevent OpenGL glDrawPixels from working on some video cards?

The following code writes no data to the back buffer on Intel integrated video cards,for example, on a MacBook. On ATI cards, such as in the iMac, it draws to the back buffer. The width and height are correct (and 800x600 buffer) and m_PixelBuffer is correctly filled with 0xAA00AA00. My best guess so far is that there is something amiss...