
Which 3D cards support full scene antialiasing?

Is there a list of 3D cards available that provide full scene antialiasing as well as which are able to do it in hardware (decent performance)? ...

OpenGL or Direct3D for a new Windows game project? Or something else?

I'm starting a hobby game project on Windows that will make heavy use of 3D graphics effects. It will most likely be written in C++. Should I use OpenGL or Direct3D for my graphics backend? Why? Or should I use a ready-made graphics engine such as OGRE 3D? Which one? Some "how to get started" links would be useful. (On either technolo...

How do I draw text using OpenGL, SDL and C++?

I heard about SDL_TFF which I read about here but I don't understand how am I supposed to connect the TrueType2 library. Maybe there is something better out there? ...

Best way to draw text with OpenGL and Cocoa?

Does anyone know an easy way to draw arbitrary text in a Cocoa NSOpenGLView? I have a couple of constraints. The text on screen may change from frame to frame (for example, a framerate display in the corner) I would like to be able to select any font installed on the system at any size ...

OpenGl And Flickering

When objects from a CallList intersect the near plane I get a flicker..., what can I do? Im using OpenGL and SDL. Yes it is double buffered. ...

c++ Having multiple graphics options

Currently my app uses just Direct3D9 for graphics, however in the future I' m planning to extend this to D3D10 and possibly OpenGL. The question is how can I do this in a tidy way? At present there are various Render methods in my code void Render(boost::function<void()> &Call) { D3dDevice->BeginScene(); Call(); D3dDevice->...

Learning OpenGL

What's a good book for learning OpenGL programming? ...

Debugging VBO Vertex buffers crashes

I'm using the VBO extension for storing Vertex, normal and color buffers (glBindBufferARB) For some reason when changing buffers or doing some operation the application crashes with an access violation. When attaching The debugger I see that the crash is in some thread that is not my main thread which performs the opengl call with the ex...

What is the best OpenGL java binding?

I am trying to achieve better performance for my Java SWT application, and I just found out it is possible to use OpenGL in SWT. It seems there are more than one Java binding for OpenGL. Which one do you prefer? Note that I have never used OpenGL before, and that the application needs to work on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. ...

why might my pyglet vertex lists and batches be very slow on Windows?

I'm writing opengl code in python using the library pyglet. When I draw to the screen using or objects, they are very slow (~0.1 fps) compared to plain old or just glVertex() calls, which are about 40fps for the same geometry. In Linux the vertex_list is about the s...

Making a game in C++ using parallel processing

I wanted to "emulate" a popular flash game, Chrontron, in C++ and needed some help getting started. (NOTE: Not for release, just practicing for myself) Basics: Player has a time machine. On each iteration of using the time machine, a parallel state is created, co-existing with a previous state. One of the states must complete all the o...

Query points epsilon-close to a cut plane in point cloud using the GPU.

Hello everybody, I am trying to solve the current problem using GPU capabilities: "given a point cloud P and an oriented plane described by a point and a normal (Pp, Np) return the points in the cloud which lye at a distance equal or less than EPSILON from the plane". Talking with a colleague of mine I converged toward the following so...

OPENGL User Interface Programming

I'm developing a graphical application to present data (not a game but a real workhorse app). It needs to be cross platform, so I have chosen: python openGL (I need 3D, blending, textures etc) pyopengl wx/pywx - windowing, dialogs etc. The last component - WX - raises the question. I can put together a very nice looking app (the prot...

How can I prevent deformation when rotating about the line-of-sight in OpenGL?

I've drawn an ellipse in the XZ plane, and set my perspective slightly up on the Y-axis and back on the Z, looking at the center of ellipse from a 45-degree angle, using gluPerspective() to set my viewing frustrum. Unrotated, the major axis of the ellipse spans the width of my viewport. When I rotate 90-degrees about my line-of-sight...

OpenGL: texture and plain color respond differently to ambient light?

This is a rather old problem I've had with an OpenGL application. I have a rather complex model, some polygons in it are untextured and colored using a plain color with glColor() and others are textured. Some of the texture is the same color as the untextured polygons and there should be no visible seam between the two. The problem is ...

Count image similarity on GPU [OpenGL/OcclusionQuery]

OpenGL. Let's say I've drawn one image and then the second one using XOR. Now I've got black buffer with non-black pixels somewhere, I've read that I can use shaders to count black [ rgb(0,0,0) ] pixels ON GPU? I've also read that it has to do something with OcclusionQuery.

AMD 64 bit Dual Core Optimization

We have a graphics intensive application that seems to be experiencing problems on AMD 64 bit Dual Core platforms that are not apparent on Intel platforms. Running the application causes the CPU to run at 100%, in particular when using code for shadows and lighting (Open GL). Does anyone know of specific issues with AMD processors that...

Drawing a variable width line in openGL (No glLineWidth).

What is the best way to draw a variable width line without using glLineWidth? Just draw a rectangle? Various parallel lines? None of the above? ...

How do I flip a sprite/texture in OpenGLES?

I have a sprite loaded as a texture and I need to animate it, allowing it to "face" left or right -- essentially sometimes I need to "flip" it. I know that OpenGL has a gltranslate which repositions an object, and glrotate which rotates it. Is there a method that simply flips it across one axis? If not, how would you accomplish this...

How can I run an OpenGL application installed on a linux machine from my windows machine?

In the spirit of being helpful, this is a problem I had and solved, so I will answer the question here. Problem I have: An application that has to be installed on on Redhat or SuSE enterprise. It has huge system requirements and requires OpenGL. It is part of a suite of tools that need to operate together on one machine. This app...