
GTK implementation of MessageBox

I have been trying to implement Win32's MessageBox using GTK. The app using SDL/OpenGL, so this isn't a GTK app. I handle the initialisation (gtk_init) sort of stuff inside the MessageBox function as follows: int MessageBox(HWND hwnd, const char* text, const char* caption, UINT type){ GtkWidget *window = NULL; GtkWidget *dialog ...

Why does Vista complain about a dead process when I use Cygwin X11 ssh and how do I get it to shut up?

When I log into a remote machine using ssh X11 forwarding, Vista pops up a box complaining about a process that died unexpectedly. Once I dismiss the box, everything is fine. So I really don't care if some process died. How do I get Vista to shut up about it? Specifically, the message reads: sh.exe has stopped working So it's no...

Qt x11 for Mac

Hey there I've been trying to compile the latest Qt 4.x but it does not include some of the X11 header files that my application needs. I have also tried to compile the 4.3.x (under mac os x 10.5)version of Qt to include the x11 libraries but the compilation fails.Any one else having problems with the Qt X11 packages for Mac OSx ...

What is a good and free X Server for Windows

What is a good and free X Server for Windows? Cygwin - I've had various issues and install problems with this in the past Xceed - The employer won't pay for the license. Putty - Amazing for telnet and SSH, but I actually need an XServer. Are there other good and free alternatives? ...

Window managers for Windows and Macs

X Windows has special processes called Window Managers that manage the layout of windows and decorations like their title bar, control buttons etc. Such processes use an X Windows API to detect events related to windows sizes and positions. Are there any consistent ways for writing such processes for Microsoft Windows or Mac OS/X? I kn...

How do I keep track of related windows in X11?

Unfortunately, my question is not as simple as keeping track of two windows created by the same process. Here is what I have: Two users, Jack and Jim are remotely logged in to the same Unix system and run X servers Jack runs an application, 'AwesomeApp', that opens a GUI in a X window Jim runs another instance of this application, ope...

XWindow ignores multiple ClentMessage's sent during same second

I've encountered an interesting problem while developing for our legacy XWindows application. For reasons that don't bear explaining, I am sending ClientMessage from a comand-line utility to a GUI app.Most of the messages end up having the same contents, as the message's purpose is to trigger a synchronous communication process over som...

How to determine visible region of a Windows in X Windows / Linux?

I have several nested X Windows - let's say - a scrollable window within a scrollable window (see the example below). In such case the main window contains (at least) the major scroll bars and the (major) drawing area they control. This drawing area on its turn contains (at least) a scrollable window batch - a (minor) main window, contai...

X/Gnome: How to measure the geometry of an open window

Is there a standard X / Gnome program that will display the X,Y width and depth in pixels of a window that I select? Something similar to the way an xterm shows you the width and depth of the window (in lines) as you resize it. I'm running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.4. Thanks! ...

Can I use LGPL library in BSD/X11 licensed project?

I am writing a small general purpose library, which i would like to use in my BSD/X11 licensed project. I want to include globalisation support in it, specifficaly, i would like to use Glib::ustring from glibmm, which is licensed under LGPL. Here comes the question: With regards to BSD/X11 being more permissive than LGPL, can i use this ...

How can I run an OpenGL application installed on a linux machine from my windows machine?

In the spirit of being helpful, this is a problem I had and solved, so I will answer the question here. Problem I have: An application that has to be installed on on Redhat or SuSE enterprise. It has huge system requirements and requires OpenGL. It is part of a suite of tools that need to operate together on one machine. This app...

Lightweight X window manager/environment

My machine is seriously underpowered, and I think I need to start conserving every spare cycle. I know that my Gnome environment seems to underperform compared to my coworkers' KDE setups. But if I'm going to make that big of a switch, I might as well consider running something even lighter. Is it possible to survive on a lightweight ...

Automatically resizing X11 display when connecting an external monitor

I have a laptop running Ubuntu to which I connect an external monitor when I'm at the office. Usually this requires me to run "xrandr --auto" in order for the laptop to resize the display to match the external monitor. It would be nice if this could be done automatically, either triggered when the monitor is connected, but it would be en...

Window short cuts for XFCE4

Hi, This is not a programming question per se, but this is certainly about something which would help increasing my programming productivity. In KDE, one can assign short-cuts to particular windows. This eliminates alt-tabbing completely and, is very very convenient when multiple apps(browser, console, emacs etc) are open. My question ...

How to get an X11 Window from a Process ID ?

Under Linux, my C++ application is using fork() and execv() to launch multiple instances of OpenOffice so as to view some powerpoint slide shows. This part works. Next I want to be able to move the OpenOffice windows to specific locations on the display. I can do that with the XMoveResizeWindow() function but I need to find the Window f...

Programmatically launching standalone Adobe flashplayer on Linux/X11

The standalone flashplayer takes no arguments other than a .swf file when you launch it from the command line. I need the player to go full screen, no window borders and such. This can be accomplished by hitting ctrl+f once the program has started. I want to do this programmatically as I need it to launch into full screen without any hum...


Hi, I am trying to make my window manager conform to the ICCCM specifications. I fully understand the reason for the _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK atom - this ensures that no invalid information stays whenever the window manager isn't running anymore. What I don't understand is why are no other atoms like _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS expected on...

Display dependent startup scripting in Linux/Unix.

I have a multiple monitor desktop where two monitors are controlled by Fedora on :0.0 and :0.1 and another monitor is attached to a Mac mini. I would like to provide a startup script solution to starting Synergy clients on each Fedora display. The Fedora 9 box is running XFCE fwiw. ...

How to select dvorak layout in Solaris 10 Java Desktop

I am learning to use the Dvorak keyboad layout, but I am not good enough to enter passwords yet, so I need to be able to switch back to qwerty occasionally. In KDE this works very well, Windows fudges this in a way I can live with for the little time I spend on it, but I can't change my work box which runs Solaris 10 Java desktop. It d...

Open Browser window from Java program

Question I have an application written in Java. It is designed to run on a Linux box standalone. I am trying to spawn a new firefox window. However, firefox never opens. It always has a shell exit code of 1. I can run this same code with gnome-terminal and it opens fine. Background So, here is its initialization process: Start ...