The following code writes no data to the back buffer on Intel integrated video cards,for example, on a MacBook. On ATI cards, such as in the iMac, it draws to the back buffer. The width and height are correct (and 800x600 buffer) and m_PixelBuffer is correctly filled with 0xAA00AA00.
My best guess so far is that there is something amiss with needing glWindowPos set. I do not currently set it (or the raster position), and when I get GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION I noticed that the default on the ATI card is 0,0,0,0 and the Intel it's 0,0,0,1. When I set the raster pos on the ATI card to 0,0,0,1 I get the same result as the Intel card, nothing drawn to the back buffer. Is there some transform state I'm missing? This is a 2D application so the view transform is a very simple glOrtho.
glDrawPixels(GetBufferWidth(), GetBufferHeight(), GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, m_PixelBuffer);
Any more info I can provide, please ask. I'm pretty much an OpenGL and Mac newb so I don't know if I'm providing enough information.