It you're looking to be able to share chunks of memory between processes, you should check out shm_open(2) and mmap(2). It's pretty easy to allocate a chunk of memory in one process and pass the path (for shm_open) to another and both can then go crazy together. This is a lot safer than poking around in another process's address space as Chris Hanson mentions. Of course, if you don't have control over both processes, this won't do you much good.
(Be aware that the max path length for shm_open appears to be 26 bytes, although this doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.)
// Create shared memory block
void* sharedMemory = NULL;
size_t shmemSize = 123456;
const char* shmName = "mySharedMemPath";
int shFD = shm_open(shmName, (O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR), 0600);
if (shFD >= 0) {
if (ftruncate(shFD, shmemSize) == 0) {
sharedMemory = mmap(NULL, shmemSize, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, shFD, 0);
if (sharedMemory != MAP_FAILED) {
// Initialize shared memory if needed
// Send 'shmemSize' & 'shmemSize' to other process(es)
} else handle error
} else handle error
close(shFD); // Note: sharedMemory still valid until munmap() called
} else handle error
Do stuff with shared memory
// Tear down shared memory
if (sharedMemory != NULL) munmap(sharedMemory, shmemSize);
if (shFD >= 0) shm_unlink(shmName);
// Get the shared memory block from another process
void* sharedMemory = NULL;
size_t shmemSize = 123456; // Or fetched via some other form of IPC
const char* shmName = "mySharedMemPath";// Or fetched via some other form of IPC
int shFD = shm_open(shmName, (O_RDONLY), 0600); // Can be R/W if you want
if (shFD >= 0) {
data = mmap(NULL, shmemSize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, shFD, 0);
if (data != MAP_FAILED) {
// Check shared memory for validity
} else handle error
close(shFD); // Note: sharedMemory still valid until munmap() called
} else handle error
Do stuff with shared memory
// Tear down shared memory
if (sharedMemory != NULL) munmap(sharedMemory, shmemSize);
// Only the creator should shm_unlink()