I want to create an allocator which provides memory with the following attributes:
- cannot be paged to disk.
- is incredibly hard to access through an attached debugger
The idea is that this will contain sensitive information (like licence information) which should be inaccessible to the user. I have done the usual research online and asked a few other people about this, but I cannot find a good place start on this problem.
Josh mentions using VirtualAlloc to set protection on the memory space. I have created a custom allocator ( shown below ) I have found the using the VirtualLock
function it limits the amount of memory I can allocate. This seems to be by design though. Since I am using it for small objects this is not a problem.
template<class _Ty>
class LockedVirtualMemAllocator : public std::allocator<_Ty>
template<class _Other>
LockedVirtualMemAllocator<_Ty>& operator=(const LockedVirtualMemAllocator<_Other>&)
{ // assign from a related LockedVirtualMemAllocator (do nothing)
return (*this);
template<class Other>
struct rebind {
typedef LockedVirtualMemAllocator<Other> other;
pointer allocate( size_type _n )
SIZE_T allocLen = (_n * sizeof(_Ty));
LPVOID pMem = ::VirtualAlloc( NULL, allocLen, allocType, allocProtect );
if ( pMem != NULL ) {
::VirtualLock( pMem, allocLen );
return reinterpret_cast<pointer>( pMem );
pointer allocate( size_type _n, const void* )
return allocate( _n );
void deallocate(void* _pPtr, size_type _n )
if ( _pPtr != NULL ) {
SIZE_T allocLen = (_n * sizeof(_Ty));
::SecureZeroMemory( _pPtr, allocLen );
::VirtualUnlock( _pPtr, allocLen );
::VirtualFree( _pPtr, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
and is used
//a memory safe std::string
typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
LockedVirtualMemAllocato<char> > modulestring_t;
Ted Percival mentions mlock, but I have no implementation of that yet.
I found Practical Cryptography by Neil Furguson and Bruce Schneier quite helpful as well.