
Secure Memory Allocator in C++

I want to create an allocator which provides memory with the following attributes: cannot be paged to disk. is incredibly hard to access through an attached debugger The idea is that this will contain sensitive information (like licence information) which should be inaccessible to the user. I have done the usual research online a...

How can I increase memory security in Delphi?

Is it possible to "wipe" strings in Delphi? Let me explain: I am writing an application that will include a DLL to authorise users. It will read an encrypted file into an XML DOM, use the information there, and then release the DOM. It is obvious that the unencrypted XML is still sitting in the memory of the DLL, and therefore vulnerab...

Read data directly from file to RAM in C++

Hi all, Is there a way to directly read a binary file into RAM? What I mean is, is there a way to tell the compiler, here's the file, here's the block of RAM, please put the file contents in the RAM, off you go, quickly as you can please. Currently I'm stepping through the file with ifstream loading it into RAM (an array) 64bit block ...

Scraping System Memory for strings matching a regular expression in Windows

Any ideas on where to start? ...