
Is OpenGL dead?

I recently found out that OpenGL 3.0 was released a week ago. I glanced through the specification and read through some of the forum posts on the Khronos message board, and... I'm devastated. Not only did they not release the promised object model, but they deprecated most of the functionality that, IMHO, made OpenGL great, in favor of a...

OpenGL: What's the deal with deprecation?

OpenGL 3.0 and 3.1 have deprecated quite a few features I find essential. In particular, the use of fixed function in shaders. Can anyone explain what's really the deal with that? Why do they find the need to deprecate such useful feature that its obvious everybody uses and that no sane hardware company is going to remove support for? ...

New to OpenGL and deprecation.

Hello, I've begun playing around with OpenGL in Python using PyOpenGL 3.0.1b. I looked at some sample code and started running it and modifying it etc. All was well until I became a little less ignorant. On the OpenGL functions are listed as well as whether or not th...

gluPerspective was removed in OpenGL 3.1, any replacements?

I'm trying to read some OpenGL tutorials on the net. the problem is that I found some old ones that use gluPerspective(). gluPerspective was deprecated in OpenGL 3.0 and removed in 3.1. What function can I use instead? I'm using C++ with latest FreeGlut installed. ...

Which OpenGL functions are not GPU-accelerated?

I was shocked when I read this (from the OpenGL wiki): glTranslate, glRotate, glScale Are these hardware accelerated? No, there are no known GPUs that execute this. The driver computes the matrix on the CPU and uploads it to the GPU. All the other matrix operations are done on the CPU as well : glPushMatrix, ...

OpenGL Cheat Sheet?

First of all, I need to clarify that I'm not after the OpenGL Quick Reference Sheet. Has anyone come by a flow-chart-like cheat sheet for OpenGL rendering pipeline? I'm talking about the sheets like these:

Porting a project to OpenGL3

Hi everyone, I'm working on a C++ cross-platform OpenGL application (Windows, Linux and MacOS) and I am wondering if some of you could share some advices on porting a large application to OpenGL 3. The reason I am looking into OpenGL 3 is because I think we could benefit a lot from using the new "Sync objects". Nvidia has supported such...

How many users could run software that uses OpenGL 3.x?

Can I expect users to be able to run software that uses OpenGL 3.x? Can Linux users who have open-source graphics drviers run OpenGL 3.x? I know that Mesa3D 7.8 only supports OpenGL 2.1. I also know that OS X Snow Leopard supports some but not all OpenGL 3.0 features. I don't know the situation on Leopard. I don't know the situation ...

Can anyone decipher why this OpenGL Hello World draws a black window?

Please excuse the length (and the width; it's for clarity on an IDE) but I thought of showing the full length of the code since the purpose is a simple Hello World in modern VBO and GLSL. It was initially based on The main point is no single error message or wa...

In OpenGL, what is the simplest way to create a perspective view using only OpenGL3+ methods?

This might sound lazy at first, but I've been researching it for 2 days. I have an SDL+GLEW app that draws a primitive. I wanted to make a few viewports in different perspectives. I see the four viewports but I can't change the the perspectives. Assume you have draw(); swapbuffers(); What is the simplest way - in OpenGL3+ spec - to...

OpenGL: Looking for resource for understanding the use of the vertex transformation sequence.

I'm looking into learning the basics of OpenGL only with v.3.0 methods onwards. I've reached the point of needing to use the equivalent of a "camera" [the basic goal is to 'look around with the mouse' in first person]. I did ask a specific question about it but it's probably further into what I should be learning (because I can't easily...

How do we get Indices for glDrawElements()?

I'm trying to use the Assimp library to import models to a rudimentary OpenGL application with VBO use. If I understand it correctly glDrawElements is one of the ideal modern ways to draw things. But how do we get that information from a generic import library? If you have specific Assimp library knowledge it's appreciated. -- What...

Peculiar behavior in OpenGL concerning Vertex Shaders and input vertices on core profile 330

using '#version 330 core' on NVIDIA, By using glBindAttribLocation(program, 0, "in_Vertex"); the input vertex works with an "in vec4 in_Vertex;". However, I noticed without the OGL function call in the client app, it still works. It appears to be 'the default first input variable'. Why? Should it be omitted or be explicitly connected to...

Modern OpenGL colors

I noticed old code has GL_AMBIENT, GL_DIFFUSE, GL_SPECULAR etc. inputs with glMaterialfv. How are those replaced in modern GLSL code? e.g. Assuming a library importing models (Assimp) gives direct values to such color categories , can they be still used directly (on core Context)? ...

is VertexAttribPointer needed after each BindBuffer?

I noticed that unless I re-call VertexAttribPointer, there's not input to shaders after a BindBuffer. Is that necessary? The shaders may not change in writing but only the buffers used. ...

Ray tracing in modern OpenGL. Where do I begin?

So I'm at a point that I should begin lighting my flatly colored models. The test application is a test case for the implementation of only latest methods so I realized that ideally it should be implementing ray tracing (since theoretically, it might be ideal for real time graphics in a few years). But where do I start? Assume I have n...

Does GLSL utilize SLI? Does OpenCL? What is better, GLSL or OpenCL for multiple GPUs?

To what extend does OpenGL's GLSL utilize SLI setups? Is it utilized at all at the point of execution or only for end rendering? Similarly, I know that OpenCL is alien to SLI but assuming one has several GPUs, how does it compare to GLSL in multiprocessing? Since it might depend on the application, e.g. common transformation, or ray tr...

building a gl3 app under cygwin

i've got a small opengl 3.2 app that i've been developing on linux using the standard gnu tools (gmake/gcc). the code seems pretty portable--i had no problems running it on osx until i started using gl3 features that the mac mini gl drivers don't seem to support. i've got a bootcamp partition with windows xp on the same mini, and i'd lik...

gl_LightSource[0] in modern OpenGL

I'm a beginner. I noticed in old code // Calculate the light position for this vertex vec3 vertex_light_position = gl_LightSource[0]; I assume that's dynamically changing and hence can't test it with simply a static vec3. How do I go with replacing the above in modern OpenGL? An example would be greatly appreciated. ...

Per Pixel lighting in modern GLSL?

I'm looking for a proper simple example. Right now I had something based on a tutorial but I don't see variations in the middle of the triangles. It appears each triangle changes color but only in whole. out vec3 vertex_normal; out vec3 vertex_light_position; .. on the vertex shader. with vertex_normal = normalize(NormalM...