



First of all, I need to clarify that I'm not after the OpenGL Quick Reference Sheet.

Has anyone come by a flow-chart-like cheat sheet for OpenGL rendering pipeline? I'm talking about the sheets like these:

If not, what's the closest I can get aside from the official quick reference sheet?

+1  A:

A bit outdated, but still quite valuable imo.

Better than nothing. I don't think this topic is going to generate more answers any time soon, so I will accept your answer as something new to me. Thanks a bunch. `:]`
Xavier Ho
Do yourself a favor and don't look at this if you are working with OpenGL 2.0 or newer. While it is still basically correct, the way things should be done has changed a lot since these early days. Use the D3D charts instead. They call things by different names, but the flow is the same as in OpenGL.
Malte Clasen
@Malte: Thanks, noted.
Xavier Ho