
Issue with animated .x files and multiple materials

I've been trying to export skinned and animated .x models with multiple materials on the same mesh but have found the skinning breaks when that happens. The animations work fine but the mesh stops wrapping around the bones properly (it seems) with what looks to be different vertices attaching themselves to different bones causing a stran...

Copying animation sets to different .x files?

Say I have multiple DirectX .x files each with the same bone hierarchy but different animations. What would I have to copy from one to the other to transfer the animtions over? Is it just everything listed under animation sets in it or is their something else I need as well? ...

Trying to use a movieclip on a mesh...

Hi there, Im new here and I got a question, I need to use a movieclip on a mesh, I mean, make that the shape of my movieclip fits in a mesh, my movieclip now have a rectangular form, and I want it to adopt a cylindrical one. Obviously, I want that my moviecliip keep all its funcionality, buttons, animations, etc. Thx in advance. Cyas....

Mesh Grid Simplification

I have a few 1000s triangles connected in a 2D mesh grid. It represents water flow. This grid is a delaunay triangulation. I need to merge the triangles back into a minimal amount of simple polygons such that each polygon is constraint not to have interior holes. The output polygons should be the same shape. Is there a known algorithm f...

algorithm to find edges using vertices (2D and 3D) in a mesh

Dear experts, I have a a mesh, with certain types of elements (e.g. triangular, tetra). For each element I know all its vertices i.e. a triangular 2D element will have 3 vertices v1, v2 and v3 whose x,y,z coords are known. Question 1 I am looking for an algorithm that will return all the edges... in this case: edge(v1, v2), edge(v1,...

Mesh smoothing with Gaussian

I wish to smooth a given 3D mesh, which uses the Half-Edge structure to store adjacency information, using a Gaussian function. The following is the algorithm that was proposed: Smooth the mesh by moving every vertex to a position determined by a weighted average of its immediate neighbors (with weights determined by a Gaussian...

Switch between active objects - understanding transform/view

Hello, it is something I don't understand on transforming (meshes). Please take a look at my code (which is in Render() function) first: foreach (GeometricObject obj in this.objects) { if (obj != this.activeObject) { obj.Mesh = MeshUtils.ChangeMeshColor(obj.Mes...

Crossing section of a 3d mesh object in an arbitrary coordinate point

Hi All, Could one explain me how to have the cross section of a 3d mesh object in an arbitrary coordinate point on the mesh surface. Regards J.Jack ...

What is the simplest algorithm for mesh generation of an arbitrary quadrilateral?

What is the simplest algorithm for decomposing a quadrilateral into an arbitrary number of triangles? ...

MaxScript Export Vertices over Time

Hey, I have a skinned mesh that animates over time. I'm writing a quick export script to export out my verticies. How do I output the vertices per frame? I'm getting the verticies using getVert, but how do I specify which frame to get the vertex from? Thanks ASH ...

Matlab multiple graph types inside one graph

Hi, I have a task to draw electrostatic field between two electrodes( at given sizes and shape ), what i have now is that i draw the electrodes with area plot (area(elect_x,elect_y)) the graph looks like this: ------------------.--- |.. .---. |.. |...| |.. .----....| |.. |........| ...

How to color a mesh with values at the vertices in WPF 3D?

We've got a sphere which we want to display in 3D and color given a fuction that depends on spherical coordinates. The sphere was triangulated using a regular grid in (theta, phi), but this produced a lot of small triangles near the poles. In an attempt to reduce the number triangles at the poles, we've changed out mesh generation to pr...

[silverlight] Windows manager like

Hello, I would like du create a basic webdesktop in silverlight 4. How can I do a windows manager ? I want to move, resize, minimized, maximized each windows like Does it exist something to create easily a windows manager ? Do I have to create everything from scratch ? How ? ...

The difference between triangulation and mesh

I have done some computer graphical programming recently, and I have no experience before. I used the library call CGAL(computer geometry algorithm library). Also, I noticed that there is class for triangulation and also class for mesh. Is mesh just a kind of triangle net? Do they have any differences? Thanks! ...

Mesh triangulation and simplification C++ library

Hi, I am looking for a C++ library to triangulate and simplify 3D mesh. My 3D meshes are potentially huge (around 3 millions vertices). It should ideally be open source. Any idea? Best regards. K. ...

Mesh simplification

Possible Duplicate: Mesh simplification I wish to develop a software for mesh simplification (3D object compression) in flex using papervision 3D. Which algorithm will be the best one to implement? ...

3D Sphereical Terrain with an 8 mesh sphere. The edges of the mesh are obvioulsy seen and I'm not sure why.

Hi :) I'm working in Unity3D, but my issue is with 3D meshes. I'm hoping someone here can help or point me in the right direction. I have 2 version of code, (old) and (new). The old code, makes a single mesh sphere and creates a terrain on it. The new code makes an 8...

Live Mesh has screwed up my file permissions

I got the bright idea of using Live Mesh to sync up my development directories between my laptop and desktop machines. It appears that the permission on any new files that are added through Live Mesh do not inherit permissions from the parent directory. Now I cannot overwrite the permissions on those files. I keep getting an "Access i...

How to compute bounding box/sphere across multiple meshes (C#)

I load multiple meshs from .x files in different mesh variables. Now I would like to calculate the bounding sphere across all the meshes I have loaded (and which are being displayed) Please guide me how this could be achieved. Can VertexBuffers be appended togather in one variable and the boundingSphere be computed using that? (if yes h...

3D triangulation algorithm

Does anybody know what triangulation algorithm Maya uses? Lacking that, what would be the most probable algoritms to try? I tried a few simple off the top of my head (shortest/longest resulting edges, smallest minimum angle, smallest/biggest area), but they where all wrong. Is Delaunay the most plausible algoritm? Edit: by the way, pseu...