



Hey, I have a skinned mesh that animates over time. I'm writing a quick export script to export out my verticies.

How do I output the vertices per frame?

I'm getting the verticies using getVert, but how do I specify which frame to get the vertex from?

Thanks ASH


you can use "at time" for the whole mesh. e.g. "at time i mmesh=snapshotAsMesh obj"

where "i" is the frame you want, "obj" the existing object and "mmesh" the resulting mesh. on mmesh you can do your usual getvert functions.


The following code is untested, but something like it should work for you. Please let me know if there are any changes you need to make.

/* Exports mesh data 'm' to file 'f' */ 
def exportData m f = (
  format "%,%\n" m.numverts m.numfaces to:f
  for i = 1 to m.numverts do
  format "%," (getVert m i) to:f
    format "\n" to:f
  for i = 1 to m.numfaces do
    format "%," (getFace m i) to:f

/* Exports mesh data from a node 'n' at time 't' to file 'f' */ 
def exportNodeMeshAtTime t n f = 
  at time t 
    m = snapshotAsMesh n
  exportMesh m f

/* Create a text file for receiving the data */
out_file = createfile ((GetDir #export)+"/testmesh.dat")

/* Enumerate all times in the animation range, exporting
   the mesh data from the selected node at time t. */ 
for t = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
  exportNodeMeshAtTime t selection[1] out_file

/* Close the text file */
close out_file