
OpenGL: Fastest way to draw a mixture of triangles and quads?

I have a mesh data structure with polygons that can be either triangles and quads. What is the fastest way to draw this using OpenGL? The slow way is to iterate over the structure and for each polygon to make the appropriate glBegin() .. glEnd() with either GL_QUADS or GL_TRIANGLES. I would like to avoid having to do glBegin() .. glEn...

Drawing a full screen Quad ?

What's wrong with this: pVertexBuffer[0].Position = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); pVertexBuffer[0].TexCoord = D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f,0.0f); pVertexBuffer[1].Position = D3DXVECTOR3(m_ScreenResolutionX,0.0f,0.0f); pVertexBuffer[1].TexCoord = D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f,0.0f); pVertexBuffer[2].Position = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,m_ScreenResolutionY,0.0f); pVertex...

Creating a tiled world with OpenGL

Hello, I'm planning to create a tiled world with OpenGL, with slightly rotated tiles and houses and building in the world will be made of models. Can anybody suggest me what projection(Orthogonal, Perspective) should I use, and how to setup the View matrix(using OpenGL)? If you can't figure what style of world I'm planning to create, lo...

XNA - Drawing Quads (and primitives) in right order

Hi there, I'm fairly new to 3D-stuff in XNA and unfortunately I have encountered a problem I can't find the solution for. (Don't even know what the problem is). To cut it short: I am drawing quads in my game using: effect.World = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateRotationX(Rotation.X) * Matrix.CreateRotatio...

3D triangulation algorithm

Does anybody know what triangulation algorithm Maya uses? Lacking that, what would be the most probable algoritms to try? I tried a few simple off the top of my head (shortest/longest resulting edges, smallest minimum angle, smallest/biggest area), but they where all wrong. Is Delaunay the most plausible algoritm? Edit: by the way, pseu...

OpenGL quad from normal

Hi Is possible to draw a quad given its normal vector, a point that is center of the quad and the size of the quad? I know the equation of a plane with normal vector n=(a,b,c) passing through the point (x_0,y_0,z_0) is given by a(x-x_0)+b(y-y_0)+c(z-z_0)=0. (from here) But how to find the coordinate of the four vertex of the quad? T...

barycentric coordinates using quads

Hi everyone, some of you know how fill a quads in 2D using barycentric coordinates?At the present, I'm splitting the quads into 2 triangles, but that way is inefficient because I have to iterate over the second bounding box which repeats pixel that were filled previously (by example, to fill the 2nd triangle I traversed the 1st triangle ...

C++ / openGL: Rotating a QUAD toward a point using quaternions (updated)

When I have a QUAD at a certain position, how can I rotate it in such a way that its normal points toward a given point? Imagine the colored blocks are just rectangular quads, then this image shows a bit what I mean. The quads are all oriented in such a way they point toward the center of the sphere. Maybe this second image shows a bi...

Do i really need a four cores processor to install SharePoint 2010 ?

i have read microsoft article from technet about sharepoint 2010 minimum requirements: and it seems that i need to install it on a pc that has 4-cores processor ! in my case, i couldn't find any 4 cores pc available in stores, would there any problem if i'd like to install it on a dual core server (64-bit) ? has anyone tried that ? pl...

Creating a matrix for a billboarded quad?

I'm trying to come up with a proper algorithm to create a matrix which gets the quad to face the camer straight up but I'm having difficulty. The quad I'm drawing is facing downwards, here's the code I have so far: D3DXVECTOR3 pos; pos = D3DXVECTOR3(-2.0f, 6.0f, 0.1f); D3DXMATRIX transform; D3DXMatrixTranslation(&transform, pos.x, pos....