
Unload MovieClip before Removing?

Is it better to Unload a MovieClip before Removing it off the Stage, in order for its contents to get cleared from RAM and therefore free up RAM better? Adobe Flash AS2 Documentation: removeMovieClip() - Removes a movie clip instance. unloadMovie() - Removes the contents of a movie clip instance. ...

Is the "_" prefix reserved for MovieClip names?

Is it possible to use the "_" underscore prefix for your own MovieClip names? (AS2) i.e. Can you name a created/attached MovieClip "_feature" or "_bug" ? Typically this is reserved for internal properties like _x or _visible. ...

Why is motion tweening changing the size/proportion of my movieclip?

Hi there, I am having a really odd problem with Flash CS4. I have a MovieClip with the dimensions 652x400. When I create a motion tween for the layer containing the clip, and move the playhead to the last frame of the tween, I check the dimensions of the same MovieClip, and it's been changed to 660x408, regardless of the fact that I hav...

ActionScript 2, list of nested movieclips

Hello, has anyone ever tried to get the list of all the movieclips (even the nested ones) that are on Stage at a specified stopped (and current) frame in Flash 8, AS 2? I did the following: for(i in _root){ if(typeof(_root[i])=="movieclip"){ trace(_root[i]);} } But this is good for a first level search: that is, if inside the moviec...

Dynamically accessing nested movie clips in flash actionscript 2

I have a nested movie clip instance that I want to access. The path to the movie clip is defined by two variables ( similar to a row and column). I am already dynamically accessing the parent movie clip like this: eval("row" + ActiveRow) Now I want to access one of row(#)'s children called let(#) dynamically. Here are my best guesse...

Assigning nested movieclips to a multi-dimensional array in flash as2

I have 5 movieclips called row1, row2, ..., row5. Inside each row are the movieclips let1, let2, ..., let15. I want to assign all of the letter clips to a 2 dimensional array. This is a followup to an earlier question . I am t...

Shorten function code and convert variable.

I have this AS2 code that does some simple animations when I rollover a mc using TweenLite. I feel that I have a lot of repeating code. Is there a way to be able to just specify a function like this boxLink(a); and have the rest of the code, with the path to the target movieclip in the function instead of in the function variable? H...

How to make a movie with transparent background in a flash with transparent background

I want to make a flash like the one here (wait for the page to load). The nice lady in the bottom right of the page has a transparent background. I'm not interested in background of the flash (not the wmode stuff), but in the background of the movie itself. Is there an easy way to do that? Maybe a script that ta...

Flash, cant reach movie clip.

Hello, I am working on a flash step-by-step guide. and i have a problem. There are 3 layers, 1 is scripts 2 is invisible button 3 is a cover screen(mc) , inside cover screen. on its own timeline , it has an animation. , what im trying to do is ; when i roll over the invisible button , i want the cover screen timeline to play and sto...

How do I create dynamically text in a movie clip using as3?

I would like to create text animated like a comet. I would like to create a gravity effect, accelerate the movie clip on vector, set a starting position on stage and load the text from a xml file. ...

How can one pause/resume a dynamically loaded external SWF file using ActionScript 3?

I'd like to be able to play/pause dynamically loaded external SWF movies using ActionScript 3.0. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. ...

Flex loads SWF as Sprite. How do I load it as a Movieclip instead?

Hi, I have a problem converting SWFLoader.content into a MovieClip instance while following (TheFlashCanon's excellent tutorial) on making a SWF communicate with Flex. The SWF loaded in question is compiled using Flash CS3 (using actionscript 3). However, when I try to get the content of the SWFLoader and convert it into a MovieClip ins...

How do I make an auto-scrolling dynamic txt field with actionscript 3?

I'm trying to add scrolling text to a small mp3 player application I'm working on and I'm running across some problems. Namely, that I'm not that well versed in movie clips. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good actionscipt 3 tutorials for auto-scrolling text or basic movie clips stuff (frames etc.). I've found lots of tutorials b...

Flex: Draw on different frames of a MovieClip

How can I used ActionScript to draw on different frames of a movie clip. That is, make it so that movieClip.gotoAndStop(0); will show something different to movieClip.gotoAndStop(1); ...

ActionScript 3: Set the text of an animated Dynamic text instance

I have a dynamic text field (textLabel) inside a Movie Clip (textMC). I am tring to set the text attribute like this: textMC.textLabel.text = "this is my text"; This works fine, until I add key frames to textLabel. I need to animate textLabel. But when it hits a keyframe, it changes back to the text I created on the stage. How can ...

How can I convert a flash movieclip into a png sequence?

Flash CS4 is not letting me save a swf to a png sequence. Is there a way to save a movieclip as a swf and use an outside program to convert to png? Thanks! ...

AS2: Disabling links in hidden Dynamic Text Fields & MovieClip children

Greetings! I am working on an AS2 website with MovieClips for pages that swap depth when navigation is clicked. Text content is pulled dynamically from an external XML file & styled via CSS, including links (HTML/CDATA). My problem is this: When a page is hidden behind another via swapDepths(), HTML links within the hidden page are sti...

Executing a movieclip inside another which is in the main timeline

I am trying to create a movieclip that will be used in other projects. It is actually the 15-puzzle game. I have every thing working except how to execute the movieclip when someone wins the game. Checking for win works so I know when I need to play the clip, I just don't know how. Every thing needs to stay under the Puzzle movieclip....

Flash CS4 AS3 horizontal movieclip scrolling with mouse move

I'm new to AS3 and have been working on an XML driven navigation system written in AS3. At present, I've imported the contents of an XML file and plotted it inside a containing MovieClip created at root level dynamically on the stage. This MovieClip is called 'container'. What I want to accomplish is a smooth, accelerating / decelerati...

Newbie Movie clip in website

I'm totally familiar in making static and dynamic websites. However, I have never dealt with multimedia in a website. I want to build a static website that has movies placed on various pages. The movies will be supplied to me (I will not be making them), I only need to place them on pages. My questions are...What format (file type) shou...