
Java JFormattedTextField for typing dates

Hi! I've been having trouble to make a JFormattedTextField to use dates with the format dd/MM/yyyy. Specifically, as the user types, the cursor should "jump" the slashes, and get directly to the next number position. Also, the JFormattedTextField must verify if the date entered is valid, and reject it somehow if the date is invalid, or...

What is the mask for emails using swing's MaskFormatter

Using Java swing, what is the string that correspond to a correct email mask when using the MaskFormatter? Is that possible at all to actually use a MaskFormatter for emails? ...

Mask URL in JSF

I have an enterprise application written in JAVA with JSF (using RichFaces 3.3). Currently my URL looks like this: http://localhost/WebApplication/faces/folder1/page.jsp Question is how do I mask my url to make it like this: http://localhost/folder1/page.jps Basically i want to hid "Application/faces/" Thanks ...

Compare tool that can mask differences?

I do a lot of file comparisons (source, logs etc.) and need to mask certain sections e.g. dates / times / line numbers which cause every line to be different. Beyond Compare allows you to pre-process the files but then you have to write pieces of code to do this. Is there a GUI type tool that allows you to mask sections of the file via...

Delphi InputBox for password entry?

Inputbox: answer:=Inputbox('a','b','c'); works good, but I'm looking for a masked one, like a password box where you only see little stars instead of the typed characters. ...

Is there way to match IP with IP+CIDR straight from SELECT query?

Something like SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM BANS WHERE typeid=6 AND (SELECT ipaddr,cidr FROM BANS) MATCH AGAINST 'this_ip'; So you don't first fetch all records from DB and then match them one-by one. If c > 0 then were matched. BANS table: id int auto incr PK typeid TINYINT (1=hostname, 4=ipv4, 6=ipv6) ipaddr BINARY(128) cidr INT ...

How to make a movie with transparent background in a flash with transparent background

I want to make a flash like the one here (wait for the page to load). The nice lady in the bottom right of the page has a transparent background. I'm not interested in background of the flash (not the wmode stuff), but in the background of the movie itself. Is there an easy way to do that? Maybe a script that ta...

Masks and transparency

Hi, I'm fairly new to Shoes and ran into two problems. First I want to set a mask using a partially transparent png, like this: mask do image "images/stencilMask.png" end Is this possible somehow or can only vector shapes be used? Apart from that, I noticed a small bug(?) when trying to set a transparent color as a stroke on ...

Raster Operator to use for MaskBlt

I'm trying to use the GDI MaskBlt command to draw an image with transparency: I can't seem to find anything in the documentation about what raster operator to use for the obvious use case: a sort of MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, DSTCOPY) - blitting where the mask is 1, and leaving the des...

Replacing a bit range

Something any sophomore in CS should be able to answer, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it... I have a set of bits, and I need to replace some of the bits with a different set. In a simplified example: 10101010 -original bit set 00001111 -mask showing replacement positions 00001100 -new bit values 10101100 -resulting bit se...

iphone: masking an image using paths

How do you mask an image using paths? What Im trying to do is draw a line using CGContextStrokePath and show only those parts of a CGLayerRef which are under it. Also, how do you erase only those parts of the CGLayerRef which are under it? Thanks. ...

How do I make a CMFCToolBar recognize image masks?

I have a CMFCToolBar-derived class and an insance thereof is the member of a CDockablePane-derived class. I looked at the VisualStudioDemo sample to see how it's done and have this so far: int CMyPane::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { // Removed all "return -1 on error" code for better readability CDockablePane::OnCre...

Currency Mask

I need to create a currency mask. I did lines of command and it's works fine, but when i set the value in textfield, occurred infinit loop. I monitoring the textfield with Editing Changed behavior, to catch each caracter that the user set, but when i try to change the text value, the infinity loop happens. :( Somebody have a simple code...

background is not going to the foreground with jquery

Hello, my question is if it would be possible to get the background images to the foreground I created a mask from an example with the div's z order to 9000 and the div containing the form to 9999 Sofar that works But if I use a class with a background image, it will not show Y tested everything on a testpage without the mask and it...

Use Canvas to mask another canvas in C#/WPF

Hi, I am learning some WPF/C# so this question might be silly for some of you but I can't find the solution. I have a Canvas (let's say it countains texts) and then I have another Canvas that I want to use as a mask (anything in this second Canvas will mask the first one). How can I do that? What if the second Canvas is moving? I want...

Mask all elements of a window/canvas with C#/WPF

Hi, How can I create a mask to cover ALL the elements of a Windows/Canvas (with subcanvas/elements inside)? Thanks in advance EDIT: I want to add more controls/elements/whatever after I create the mask. Is that ok? How? ...

Gdiplus mask image from another image

Is there a way to manipulate alpha of an image using alpha from another image? Suppose I have a Image and I want to alter its alpha starting opaque at left and totally transparent at right, currently I draw another image with LinearGradientBrush and set alpha of orginal image from second image by looping pixel by pixel, is there another...

Clip or Mask a 2D texture

Hey i was wondering if anyone knows to do clipping with 2D textures for a gui or menu like system. Heres an example output i would like to produce Have a game screen with a size of 500 x 500. With a screen behind it with a size of 1000 x 1000. When i draw a Texture at 0, 0 with the parent screen of 500 x 500 i would like the component...

Actionscript 3 and dynamic masks

I have a container MovieClip that serves as a content area that I need to mask off. When I create a mask inside this container using a Shape I can't seem to interact with the contents of other containers I create here, like buttons etc. This is what I'm doing in code (I've left out all the import's etc.): class MyContainer extends Movi...

applying a datepicker to a mask

I'm new to the javascript and web development scene so bear with me. On a website I'm programming for, I have a table filled with date values from a server side source. Upon clicking a section of a table, the text will be replaced by a input textbox that contains the date that was clicked on(applying a mask) and when the textbox appear...