I started using IRC at a young age, and I have always been fascinated with it. As a language exercise, I was thinking about programming a simple IRC client in Ruby with Shoes as a graphical front-end. My question to you, kind-sirs, what do I need to become familiar with to start on this great adventure (besides shoes and Ruby of course...
Shoes has some built in dump commands (Shoes.debug), but are there other tools that can debug the code without injecting debug messages throughout? Something like gdb would be great.
I want to use shoes to be able to download the body of a website that a user enters in an edit_line. How can I make this work? Can anyone help explain why the below code does not work? It just pops up a new window, and does not download the site from the text entered....
Here's my code thus far:
Shoes.app do
stack (:left => 1...
I can't seem to get a scrollbar to work in an inner stack/flow. Does anyone know how to?
I'm trying to use Shoes' download() method to pass a username and password in the HTTP header to authenticate the HTTP request (talking to a Rails app).
I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to this stuff.
I havn't quite understood whether I should be automatically able to use the below syntax (username:pwd@) or whether the username and p...
Is it possible to use something like:
require 'serialport.o'
with Shoes? serialport.o is compiled c code as a ruby extension.
When I attempt to run the following code in shoes, I see no visible output to the screen and shoes crashes on OS X.
Thank you
require "serialport.o"
port = "/dev/tty.usbserial-A1001O0o"
sp = Serial...
I used packager to make an executable file for the following code:
Shoes.app do
stack :margin => 10 do
@edit = edit_box :width => 1.0 do
@para.text = @edit.text
@para = para ""
then I got error message:
Error in C:/Program Files/Common Files/Shoes/0.r1134/lib/shoes.rb line 394utf.rb: 10:
So I need to approximate a blit-like function for a scrolling tilemap editor built in Shoes. I can't find anything remotely like this in the examples or documentation. The tankspanker example does a bit of scrolling, but it uses vector functions only and doesn't seem do any copying of images to other images.
Does anybody have any id...
I have a function that presents the user a combo-box.
def select_interface(interfaces)
list_box :items => interfaces do |list|
interface = list.text
### ideally should wait until interface has a value then: ###
return interface
The rest of the program depends on the selection from this combo-box.
I would like to f...
Can someone give me a pointer on how to make a window in Shoes to fill the entire screen? I am looking to have a window that is akin to Writeroom. Thanks.
In a shoes application am trying to download stuff from some internal websites. I get this error
Error in /tmp/selfgz14214/ruby/lib/net/protocol.rb line 66
undefined method 'closed?' for #<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket:0xb6af94f0>
I got the above error for this code. This give the above error if used from Shoes.
require 'net/http'
require ...
I have only installed Ruby1.9 on my machine. Have some kind of problems with the programs I am trying to write using Shoes. Am wondering if this is a version issue.
I am trying to do some stuff over ssl.
If I create an application, using Shoes, would I have to license it under a open source license, or can I use it for closed-source/propietary stuff? The framework consists of a lot of moving parts, so it's not entirely clear to me.
EDIT: The reason why I'm asking, is because of the notes at this page:
Since both anal_pe and XPwn are...
I'd like to start tinkering around with Shoes. There is one thing I can't figure out. How do I reload a running Shoes application after saving changes to the source code? I've already found the hotkeys for opening the Help, Console, and a new app.
To me it seems odd that the developer would be forced to close and restart a Shoes app ea...
I am trying to use Shoes and I need to pass it command-line parameters (basically, my Shoes app will be called from another pre-existing app and this would allow me to pre-fill some parts of shoes). Should I then call it using bin/shoes wrapper?
It seems I can not pass arguments to shoes wrapper (it concatenates all parameters a...
I have a problem I have a:
stack {
flow {
para "Enter text:"
(simplified version). When user is on edit_line and presses
tab, I want it to move to edit_box control (currently, it just
loses focus).
I was wondering if it was possible to change the my Shoes app's icon? I imagine its style-oriented, but I haven't been able to find anything on it.
Is this possible?
Hi, everyone!
I want to execute another ruby script from my Shoes app. I try
button "..." do
`ruby -rubygems /Users/kemiisto/Desktop/Ruby/gears.rb`
but nothing happens. In the case of other commands, for example
button "..." do
`open /Applications/TextEdit.app/`
all works fine. Any ideas?
Hi. I recently discovered Ruby Shoes, which sounds rather useful for a beginner like me. The only the problem is that my laptop is x64, while the only Linux package is i686. I tried it anyway and it didn't work for me, I kept getting an error. I didn't expect it to work, of course, but is there still a way to get Shoes on x64 Linux? Than...
Is there any documentation that discribes all the available functions and objects in shoe?
update: 2008.01.21
I am looking for a list of all the methods that can be called against an animate object.
For example I only figured out how to pause an animation using the toggle() method by reading source code from the shoebox (http://the-sh...