I have a container MovieClip that serves as a content area that I need to mask off. When I create a mask inside this container using a Shape I can't seem to interact with the contents of other containers I create here, like buttons etc.
This is what I'm doing in code (I've left out all the import's etc.):
class MyContainer extends MovieClip
protected var masker : Shape = null;
protected var panel : MyPanel = null;
public function MyContainer()
this.masker = new Shape();
this.masker.graphics.beginFill( 0x00ff00 );
this.masker.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 1, 1); // 1x1 pixel.
addChild( this.masker );
this.panel = new MyPanel(); // has buttons and stuff.
addChild( this.panel );
this.mask = this.masker;
// called by it's parent when the stage is resized.
public function resize( width : Number, height : Number ) : void
// set the mask to half the size of the stage.
this.masker.width = width / 2;
this.masker.height = height / 2;
// set the panel to half the size of the stage.
this.panel.resize( width / 2, height / 2);
When I add the mask (Shape) to the display hierarchy I can no longer interact with whatever buttons are defined in MyPanel. However, not adding the mask to the display hierarchy does let me interact with the contents on MyPanel but the mask is not sized/positioned correctly. I guess that when the mask is not added to the display hierarchy it sits in the top-left corner of the movie (I cannot prove this though).
How do I go about making my mask size/position correctly and let the user interact with the buttons in MyPanel?