



Is it possible to use the "_" underscore prefix for your own MovieClip names? (AS2)

i.e. Can you name a created/attached MovieClip "_feature" or "_bug" ?

Typically this is reserved for internal properties like _x or _visible.

+1  A: 

Yes this is fine. Not really sure you should be doing it but if you have a case for it it won't error out. I tend to reserve _ to prefix private members of a class.

James Hay
I asked whether you could name MOVIECLIPs with "_" not members! Sorry!
So what you actually meant was instance names not library symbols. Easy mistake to make and yes, again that's also fine. Hardly feel like this was worth a down vote!
James Hay
This did not deserve a -1, the poster answered your question and then made a recommendation based on best practice.
Richard Szalay

Yes it is possible to use MovieClip names like _myclip, you can reference it statically this._myclip or dynamically too. this["_"+"myclip"]

Why do you post an answer to your own question? It's more appropriate to edit the question and add an SOLVED: or UPDATE section to it.
So that I can checkmark it as the answer, dummy!
So, if I understand correctly, your participation on Stackoverflow is just about gaining reputation?
Wrong, if my answer is the best, then I should checkmark it so others know that it is the solution to my problem.
+2  A: 

The "_" prefix has no technical significance - you can use it your own names for MovieClips, text fields, or any other variable or method you like.

As a convention, it used to be common for the names of "built in" properties (like _x, _visible, etc.) to begin with an underbar, but they stopped doing this around v6 or v7, so many later properties (filters, transform for example) don't use it. Also, they've used (and still use I believe, in AS3) multiple underbars for internal names they don't want people to trip over (like __proto__).

There also used to be a fairly widespread convention to prepend $ to properties or methods intended to be private, since declaring them to be private doesn't have any effect. You see this a lot in components.


It is fine, but proper as3 practice is to use the "" for only internal, private/protected variables, and then write getters and setters without the "".


private var _word:String = "something"

public function get word():String {
     return _word

public function set word(a_word:String):void {
     _word = a_word

A little verbose, but it makes for a nice API.
