




Hi, I have been having problems on making a Load Mesh function in C++ for Direct X. I seem to get this error: "Unhandled exception at 0x00401e64 in _.exe: 0xC00000005: Access violation reading loaction 0x83e05597". I know it is crashing on this line:

D3DXMATERIAL* tempMaterials = (D3DXMATERIAL*)bufMaterial->GetBufferPointer();

The whole function looks like this (I have been following along directxtutorial.com so far for direct X help).

void LoadModel(Model* model, LPCTSTR File){
LPD3DXBUFFER bufMaterial;

D3DXLoadMeshFromX(File, D3DXMESH_SYSTEMMEM, d3ddev, NULL, &bufMaterial, NULL,
                  &model->numMaterials, &model->Mesh);
OutputDebugString("LOAD MESH \n");

D3DXMATERIAL* tempMaterials = (D3DXMATERIAL*)bufMaterial->GetBufferPointer();
OutputDebugString("GET BUFFER\n");

model->Material = new D3DMATERIAL9[model->numMaterials];
model->Texture = new LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9[model->numMaterials];

OutputDebugString("LOAD MESH \n");

for(DWORD index = 0; index < model->numMaterials; index++)
    model->Material[index] = tempMaterials[index].MatD3D;
    model->Material[index].Ambient = model->Material[index].Diffuse;

 // if there is a texture to load, load it
  model->Texture[index] = NULL;    // if there is no texture, set the texture to NULL


I call it like this:

LoadModel(networkBase, TEXT("E:\\C++\\Skirmish\\X\\gridbox.x"));

But, I have found my old Beginning DirectX book and another web site source that all use this type casting of the material buffer from the temporary material buffer like the line that is crashing is doing. Please help!

+1  A: 

The bug is not the cast to D3DXMATERIAL*, but probably that bufMaterial is not a valid pointer.

LPD3DXBUFFER is a typedef for ID3DXBuffer * and therefore a pointer to a ID3DXBuffer wich has to be initialized before using it. You could do this like so:

D3DXCreateBuffer(NumBytes, &bufMaterial);

NumBytes should be an integer which specifies the size of the buffer.

I thought when you pass the reference to the buffer in the D3DXLoadMeshFromX() line it will fill the buffer for you?
First I thought that too, and I am not quite sure what the doc from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb172890(VS.85).aspx means when saying "Pointer to a buffer containing materials data.". Because of your problem I then thought that my suggestion could probably solve it. Have you tried D3DXCreateBuffer? Try to print the address that the pointer points to before and after the call to D3DXLoadMeshFromX, maybe that will help you.

If there are no materials on your mesh, then it won't return an ID3DXBuffer for the materials array because there are no materials.

Did you check model->numMaterials after the function returns?

Also, you should initialize your ID3DXBuffer pointer to zero before calling the function.

Additionally, consider linking against the debug D3DX if you aren't already to get additional debug information from D3DX.
