While using VNC combined with RDP, I have noticed a behaviour which VNC do, that is when you have connected to a machine using RDP (mstsc), and then you want to connect to that machine using VNC, it will disconnects the RDP session, and you will see a screen blink(Black screen for a second) on the target machine and then you are connected via VNC, What I want to know is that How VNC is disconnecting the active RDP sessions, Any code snippet will be really help ful.. Thanks
When you connect using VNC it tries to connect to the console session using WinStationConnectW (Which is undocumented) this will disconnect the RDP session.
Here is a snippet from TightVNC:
void setConsoleSession(DWORD sessionId) {
if (!_WinStationConnect.isValid())
throw rdr::Exception("WinSta APIs missing");
if (sessionId == -1)
sessionId = mySessionId.id;
// Try to reconnect our session to the console
ConsoleSessionId console;
vlog.info("Console session is %d", console.id);
if (!(*_WinStationConnect)(0, sessionId, console.id, L"", 0))
throw rdr::SystemException("Unable to connect session to Console", GetLastError());
// Lock the newly connected session, for security
if (_LockWorkStation.isValid())
throw rdr::Exception("setConsoleSession not implemented");
Shay Erlichmen
2009-06-30 07:41:29