I have a set of NUnit XML result files (produced by xUnit.NET via the NUnitXml parameter to the Xunit.Runner.MSBuild.xunit msbuild task pretty much as in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/517560/how-do-i-get-team-build-to-show-test-results-and-coverage-for-xunit-net-test-suit and http://jonnekats.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/integrate-xunit-tests-into-your-daily-team-build/)
The script publishes each of the test runs individually, which is slow as it pulls in all the TestResults artifacts each time. Thus I'd like to combine them into a single consolidated set on the client side first prior to submission [to TFS using mstest.exe with the /publish parameter].
xUnit.net has a CombineXunitXml Task which is invoked in xunit.tests.msbuild as follows:-
<CombineXunitXml InputFiles="@(TestXmlFiles)" OutputFile="TestResults.xml" />
Does anyone know of an equivalent task to merge NUnit result files in a similar way? (I'm guesing this doesnt arise as commonly as the NUnit task takes multiple assemblies in its Assemblies parameter whereas xUnit.net has a singular Assembly parameter).