



Really basic question I'm sure for some of you Java heads out there.

I have a list of java files and jars that are required.

On windows to build I have this batch file

javac -cp .;opencsv-1.8.jar;mysql-connector.jar -source 1.4 -target 1.4 *.java
jar cvf cup.jar *.class
del *.class

If I want to do the same thing on mac how would a write a shell script to do the same?

+8  A: 

Basically the same thing, except

  1. The path separator is ':' instead of ';'
  2. I believe the command to delete is called 'rm'

Also, I'd put a shabang at the start.


javac -cp .:opencsv-1.8.jar:mysql-connector.jar -source 1.4 -target 1.4 *.java
jar cvf cup.jar *.class
rm *.class
Michael Myers
I think you mean #!/bin/sh
Jon Skeet
Yup, forgot the bang part of the shabang.
Michael Myers
Thanks, the ':' in the path separator was the one catching me out.
Derek Organ