Was using Mosso and loving it until they just changed there permissions, now reflection is not allowed - WTF - sweet, just as I migrated a bunch of stuff they change their setup.
anyone have good experience with a similar company using .Net?
Was using Mosso and loving it until they just changed there permissions, now reflection is not allowed - WTF - sweet, just as I migrated a bunch of stuff they change their setup.
anyone have good experience with a similar company using .Net?
Not exactly sure what reflections is...
I haven't actually tried them but I've heard of GoGrid and Amazon EC2.
Best of luck to you.
Reflection actually is allowed on Mosso. They're not using full medium trust which is extremely restrictive, but medium trust with the following permissions added back:
Most things work as long as you add the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute. I've outlined more details on my blog here: How to use iBatis/NHibernate in medium trust/partial trust environments like Mosso