



I want the tinyiest possible VS 2008 installation that can do the following

  1. Run MSTEST (This requires a either VS installation or a lot of work). I don't want to do a lot of work.
  2. (Nice) Work as a managed debugger
  3. Occassionally look at configuration or source files.

This is for virtual test environments running automated tests - a CC.NET build somewhere else will psexec into various clients and launch MSTEST - never mind those details. Debugging will be handy because this will occassionally break. I like to keep these really tiny (10GB hard disk, 20GB if you insist), and keep memory consumption down. I don't think I can do this with just the VS Shell (Isolated mode).

Tricks for keeping the install size down? What can I disable and avoid installing? How do you trim down the VS installs? I know, NUnit would be nice. Too late.