


+2  A: 

This is just a WAG as I am not a Subclipse user, but have you ensured that the folders containing what you're trying to ignore have themselves been added to SVN? You can't svn:ignore something inside a folder that's not under version control.

Dave Markle
yup, the containing folder is in the SVN
+17  A: 

You can't svn:ignore a file that is already commited to repository.

So you must:

  1. Delete it from the repository
  2. Recreate it in Eclipse
  3. Set svn:ignore on it via Team->Add to svn:ignore

Good luck!


+3  A: 

An other way, that doesn't force you to delete the files first, is to change the svn:ignore property: Team -> Show Properties. You can then double-click on the svn:ignore property and edit it. One line per item to ignore.

Nice trick...but didn't seem to have an effect? Should I do something else?
This does not remove the need to delete the item from the repo before the svn:ignore "kicks in" -- the SVN Book says that ignore only applies to adding new files or listing files that aren't checked in, which was a helpful way for me to think about it.
+3  A: 

I was able to do this using TortoiseSVN directly from Windows explorer:

Right click on file to ignore->TortiseSVN->Delete and add to ignore list

I had to close then re-open the project in Eclipse, job done :)

Cheers - Robert...

Robert Swift

So using Subclipse, given that you can't check in a folder without checking in its contents, how can you ever svn:ignore anything?

Peter Moffatt