I initially started off with a small project, editing php files and such in notepad++. It used to be easy to think of a feature, and add it on as a separate file onto the project. As the project became larger, my productivity began to decrease because I couldn't remember all of the functions I made, and where they were stored etc... Then, I added an IDE (PhpEd), and SVN, and then noticed a large boost in productivity.
I find myself slowing down in productivity again (because everything is becoming too complex again).The project has gone from about 20 or so files --> 100 files, and is becoming difficult to manage all in my head (even using an IDE). I am wondering if people have advice on what I can do to increase productivity again. (What is the next level? if there is one)
Any software tools or tips on how to approach program design/make things simpler to visualize at least?
I know there is no silver bullet, but any ideas would be helpful.
For example, do you guys use certain tools to get through the day besides an IDE/SVN. Also, do you write code in a certain way so this won't be a problem in the future? (specifics please).
Thanks for everyone's input! Everyone has such good advice!!