What are the pros and cons of using exceptions for this kind of cases (failed queries)?
- Pros: your application can handle the failed query gracefully, log it if need be, and move on.
- Cons: performance.
That said, I think you may be focusing on the wrong question. You should be handling exceptions whenever they might happen, but they should happen very, very rarely. If your query has a reasonable chance of failing, then the query itself should be your focus rather than any error-handling mechanism.
By this I mean improving the validation of any input to your query that could cause it to choke, and not the speed of the query as a means to offset any performance hit due to error handling. In other words, find out what would make your query fail and ensure that such a state is not achieved.
Consider this analogy: if you're heading out onto the lake in a potentially leaky boat (your query), you shouldn't be worrying so much about wearing a wetsuit (error handling) as you should be about making sure the boat is watertight.