I'm coding a webservice on python that uses an Oracle database. I have cx_Oracle installed and working but I'm having some problems when I run my python code as CGI using Apache.
For example the following code works perfectly at the command line:
import os
import cx_Oracle
import defs as df
os.putenv('ORACLE_HOME', '/oracledb/10.2.0/')
os.putenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '/oracledb/10.2.0/lib')
con = cx_Oracle.Connection(df.DB_USER, df.DB_PASS, df.DB_SID)
print con
But when I run it as CGI I get a "cx_Oracle.InterfaceError: Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle" at the apache error log.
I searched the Net and everybody says that I have to set the ORACLE_HOME
environment variables. Somehow the CGI script cannot access this environment variables even when I define them using os.putenv
as you can see at the code.
What I'm I doing wrong? Thanks!