



I'm using jQuery with rails and have the following piece of code

$('#related').html("<%= render :partial => "related_items" %>");

I'm having a problem in the browser where the content of the #related element is only being replaced when there are no line breaks in the partial.

This isn't too much of a big deal, I can place everything on one one line but it makes the code very difficult to read.

Is there a way around having to omit line breaks in the jQuery html() attribute?


...Wait, isn't that code supposed to be processed before javascript is even ran? Or are you trying to print code in plain-text for educational reasons?

Jonathan Sampson
Sorry, I should have explained. This is a js.erb file so the ruby side is executed before it's sent to the browser.
+2  A: 

Whats happening here is the code between the <% and %> is being interpreted by Rails first, and the output of that interpretation is being sent to the browser. So what's being sent to the browser is:

$('#related').html("Some text with a
line break in it");

This is not valid javascript because javascript doesn't allow multi-line double-quoted strings. You need to escape the line breaks in the string so that when they are printed to the browser the result is a valid javascript statement.

Matt Bridges
Didn't realise this was not valid javascript. That makes sense. I'll escape it on the ruby side.
+1  A: 

And just for completeness, this is what I have done to get things working.

$('#related').html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => "related_items") %>");