No crystal ball, no info from OP, so had a bit of a rummage in the EPO website. Found freely downloadable weekly patent info files, still available in cp500/SGML even though website says this to be replaced by utf8/XML in 2006 :-). Got the 2009 week 27 file. Is a zip containing 2 files s350927[ab].bin. "bin" means "not XML". Got the spec! Looks possible that "proprietary codes" are actually BINARY fields. Each record has a fixed 252-byte header. First 5 bytes are record length in EBCDIC e.g. hex F0F2F2F0F8 -> 2208 bytes. Last 2 bytes of the fixed header are the BINARY length (redundant) of the following variable part. In the middle are several text fields, two 2-byte binary fields, and one 4-byte binary field. The binary fields are serial numbers within groups, but all I saw are 1. The variable part is SGML.
Example (last record from s350927b.bin):
Record number: 7266
pprint of header text and binary slices:
['EPB102055619 TXT00000001',
' 20090701200927 08013627.8 EP20090528NN ',
' T *lots of spaces snipped*']
Edited version of the rather long SGML:
<PATDOC FILE="08013627.8" CY=EP DNUM=2055619 KIND=B1 DATE=20090701 STATUS=N>
<B541>DE<B542>Windschutzeinheit für ein Motorrad
<B541>EN<B542>Windshield unit for saddle-ride type vehicle
<B541>FR<B542>Unité pare-brise pour motocyclette</B540>
There are no header or trailer records, just this one record format.
So: if the OP's annual files are anything like this, we might be able to help him out.
Update: Above was the "2 a.m. in my timezone" version. Here's a bit more info:
OP said: "at the beginning of each file there are a few digits in ASCII that tell you about the length of the file." ... translate that to "at the beginning of each record there are five digits in EBCDIC that tell you exactly the length of the record" and we have a (very fuzzy) match!
Here is the URL of the documentation page:
The FIRST file mentioned is the spec.
Here is the URL of the download-weekly-data page:
An observation: The data that I looked at is in the ST.35 series. There is also available for download ST.32 which appears to be a parallel version containing only the SGML content (in "reduced cp437/850", one tag per line). This indicates that the fields in the fixed-length header of the ST.35 records may not be very interesting, and can thus be skipped over, which would greatly simplify the transcoding task.
For what it's worth, here is my (investigatory, written after midnight) code:
[Update 2: tidied up the code a little; no functionality changes]
from pprint import pprint as pp
import sys
from struct import unpack
HDRSZ = 252
T = '>s' # text
H = '>H' # binary 2 bytes
I = '>I' # binary 4 bytes
hdr_defn = [
6, T,
38, H,
40, T,
94, I,
98, H,
100, T,
251, H, # length of following SGML text
# above positions as per spec, reduce to allow for counting from 1
for i in xrange(0, len(hdr_defn), 2):
hdr_defn[i] -= 1
def records(fname, output_encoding='latin1', debug=False):
xlator=''.join(chr(i).decode('cp500').encode(output_encoding, 'replace') for i in range(256))
# print repr(xlator)
def xlate(ebcdic):
return ebcdic.translate(xlator)
# return ebcdic.decode('cp500') # use this if unicode output desired
f = open(fname, 'rb')
recnum = -1
while True:
# get header
buff =
if not buff:
return # EOF
recnum += 1
if debug: print "\nrecnum", recnum
assert len(buff) == HDRSZ
recsz = int(xlate(buff[:5]))
if debug: print "recsz", recsz
# split remainder of header into text and binary pieces
fields = []
for i in xrange(0, len(hdr_defn) - 2, 2):
ty = hdr_defn[i + 1]
piece = buff[hdr_defn[i]:hdr_defn[i+2]]
if ty == T:
fields.append(unpack(ty, piece)[0])
if debug: pp(fields)
sgmlsz = fields.pop()
if debug: print "sgmlsz: %d; expected: %d - %d = %d" % (sgmlsz, recsz, HDRSZ, recsz - HDRSZ)
assert sgmlsz == recsz - HDRSZ
# get sgml part
sgml =
assert len(sgml) == sgmlsz
sgml = xlate(sgml)
if debug: print "sgml", sgml
yield recnum, fields, sgml
if __name__ == "__main__":
maxrecs = int(sys.argv[1]) # dumping out the last `maxrecs` records in the file
fname = sys.argv[2]
keep = [None] * maxrecs
for recnum, fields, sgml in records(fname):
# do something useful here
keep[recnum % maxrecs] = (recnum, fields, sgml)
for k in keep:
if k:
recnum, fields, sgml = k
print recnum
print sgml