



Has anyone out there got a good set of instructions for building/compiling Ruby from source of windows XP ?

+1  A:

I normally get a binary installable for windows.. much faster if you just need Ruby installed. But you may be modifying ruby source.. anyways..

Update: I ended up compiling Ruby from source today... here is what worked for me

+1  A: 

I would agree that the binary distrubtion is your best bet for Ruby on Windows, however, like Gishu mentioned, you may be modifying it a bit. If that's the case I would build it from source with Cygwin. This will give you the familiar tool set for building software from source.

However the following thread at Ruby Forum seems to have a very active discussion on building Ruby in Windows using Microsoft's Visual C++ toolkit with some other .NET additions.

Good luck!

+1  A: 

Luis Lavena maintains the Ruby One-Click installer binaries. His blogs and postings on Ruby Forum are definitely the place to start.

Dave Nolan