Using linqtosql, how would I get a colleciton of User objects, if I have an array of UserID's that I want to fetch?
Using linqtosql, how would I get a colleciton of User objects, if I have an array of UserID's that I want to fetch?
You can use Contains to check if each UserID is in the array that you have.
int[] userIDs = ...
var users = db.Users.Where( u => userIDs.Contains( u.UserID ) );
Try this:
using(var db=new MyDataContext())
var users=db.Users.Where(u=>userIds.Contains(u.Id));
If you want to avoid a SET operation and user chained ORs instead, you can use the PredicateBuilder to help you with that.
It goes something like this:
var userIDs = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// build multiple OR expressions
var filter = PredicateBuilder.False<User>();
foreach (var id in userIDs) {
filter = filter.Or(x => x.UserID == id);
// fetch data
using (var db = new TheDataContext()) {
var users = db.Users.Where(filter);
// wham! - we have users now.
Take a look at the blog post to understand how it works. This basically creates a long chaining ORs for each user id in the list before passing it to a WHERE clauses.